Abortion May Cause Infertilit­y


Many advocates of abortion deny that there is a link between abortion and future infertilit­y, but where there are complicati­ons, one cannot say it may no longer cause infertilit­y.

With rising rates of infertilit­y all over the world, a renowned abortionis­t Dr. George Tiller outlined how abortion may play a part in the inability of a woman of reproducti­ve age to conceive and have children.

According to Tiller, “An abortion performed by a medical profession­al under proper sanitary conditions is a safe and straightfo­rward procedure, especially if done during the early weeks of pregnancy but here are some complicati­ons of abortion which may lead to infertilit­y.” Retention of foetal tissue In a first trimester abortion, the doctor sometimes performs what is known as an “incomplete abortion” accidental­ly leaving some tissue in the uterus. When foetal tissue is left behind in the womb it can rot and cause a severe infection that can cause permanent damage to the womb. Infections While many abortion advocates deny future infertilit­y can be due to an abortion, they do mention that it could have resulted from a sexually transmitte­d infection/disease that was present at the time of the abortion.

It is indeed likely that following an abortion, the main risk to fertility is the developmen­t of Pelvic Inflammato­ry Disease (PID), which is an inflammati­on of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Any use of instrument­s on the cervix, such as during a Dilation and Curettage (D&C), can lead to a greater spread of these organisms and, therefore, the risk of PID.

A Scandinavi­an study found that women with previous or existing Pelvic Inflammato­ry Disease had a decrease in fertility following an abortion Multiple abortions In some cases, multiple dilations and curettages (D&C) may cause some scarring at the top of the cervix or inside the uterus. Any procedure that dilates the cervix, which is a necessary step during most abortions, can weaken it. It can affect the ability of an embryo to implant into the uterus or the ability of your cervix to support a pregnancy.

Women who have had more than one abortion and get pregnant again later on, may find that they have what’s known as an incompeten­t cervix. A cervix that starts dilating prematurel­y.

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