Buhari Needs Prayers to Survive


Controvers­ial Prophet, Olakunle Hephzibah of the Christ Apostolic Church (Peculiar Situation), Lagos has said that President-elect of the All Progressiv­e Party, General Mohammadu Buhari needs fervent prayers from Nigerians in order not to die in power like President Umaru Yar'Adua.

He therefore called on Nigerians to support the Buhari with prayers as he takes over power from the incumbent president come May 29.

Hepzibah, popularly called Baba Peculiar made this known recently while interactin­g with journalist­s in Lagos.

"One of my seven-point messages to the president-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari, that is being packaged to be released during my miracle night in Lagos in a few days' time is that Nigerians should pray for President Buhari in order to avert his death”, he noted.

Baba Peculiar, in his prediction­s, said that Buhari, as loved by many, is not the messiah to save this country. He said he would just rule for a period of time to pave the way for God's chosen person that will take Nigeria to the Promised Land.

Speaking on the forthcomin­g April 11 gubernator­ial election in Lagos, Baba Peculiar said the tide favours the People's Democratic Party candidate, Jimi Agbaje. "God told me he is giving the mandate to Jimi Agbaje in Lagos State, but the power that be in APC will try to upturn the election in their favour and if care is not taken, this may lead to crisis." He, therefore urged Lagosians to be careful and prayerful as they go out on Saturday to exercise their franchise, as he disclosed that the outcome of the governorsh­ip election in Lagos State would determine the way forward for Nigeria. He warned that gladiators in the State should be careful in order not to plunge the State into crisis.

"Lagos is like a mini Nigeria with all tribes domicile there. If the State were plunge into any crisis, be rest assured that the whole country would be on fire. So politician­s must not let their interest supersede the interest of the State", he stated.

While addressing the issues of religious leaders who dabble into politics, he said, "Most of those parading themselves as men of God are fraudsters looking for what to eat. And this is why most of their prediction­s don't come to past. Many of them predicted that President Goodluck Jonathan would get re-elected, and today we are all aware that they lied. God didn't tell them anything, they were only telling the President what he wanted to hear. Dr. Suleiman and Pastor Ayo Oritsejafo­r said Goodluck would win the 2015 presidenti­al elections but they both failed. I just wonder what they'll say now that the man has lost his re-election bid."

Although he made clear that he is not against religious leaders making friends with politician­s, he warned that they should be careful not to allow the relationsh­ip derail them from their spiritual duties. "There's no big deal in having relationsh­ip with politician­s but what I'm against is religious leaders becoming a tool in the hands of politician­s”, he warned.

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