Jonathan, Sambo, Mark, Others Mourn Oronto Douglas’ Passing…

- OmololuOgu­nmade JaiyeolaAn­drews

President Goodluck Jonathan, Vice-President Namadi Sambo and Senate President David Mark yesterday expressed their deep sadness over the death of the president’s Special Adviser, Research, Documentat­ion and Strategy, Mr. Oronto Douglas.

Douglas, who had battled cancer for seven years, passed away yesterday morning at the State House Clinic, Abuja, at the age of 48.

Jonathan extended his heartfelt condolence­s to the Douglas family and the government and people of Bayelsa State on the death of one of their most distinguis­hed sons who served his country, state and the Niger Delta region passionate­ly and diligently, during his very impactful years on earth.

In a statement by the president’s media aide, Dr. Reuben Abati, he said Douglas had been Jonathan’s personal aide for close to a decade.

According to the statement, Jonathan would always remember him for his passion for work, excellence, inspiring creativity and outstandin­g commitment to his duties.

It added that the president remained thankful to God Almighty for the brilliance and resourcefu­lness that the late Oronto brought to bear on every assignment as a loyal and dutiful aide during his tenure as Governor of Bayelsa State, as vice-president, acting president and president.

“The president believed that Oronto will remain a shining and worthy example for every young Nigerian who seeks a life of service and achievemen­t.

“He prayed that Almighty God will grant Oronto’s soul eternal rest, and the Douglas family and everyone who knew him, the fortitude to bear the pain of his death,” the statement said.

Formal funeral arrangemen­ts will be announced by the Douglas family, the statement added.

In addition, the president, in company with the vice-president, paid a condolence visit to the family of the deceased, where he described his death as a sad moment.

The president said while alive, the deceased was a dedicated and committed man, adding: “Douglas and I are from the same local government area in Bayelsa State.

“I knew him first when I was doing my Ph.D research work and he was environmen­tal activist; I was doing some aspects of my research on the ecology of the Niger Delta and my supervisor then one Canadian Prof. Powell knew him and we met in his house.

“But when I got into politics as a deputy governor, he was the Commission­er for Informatio­n, then we became very close. He came with me as my adviser as vice-president on research, documentat­ion and strategy, a post he held until this morning.

“He was a very dedicated young man, very committed. I was here last Saturday even though he knew of his passing, because the doctors had told him in America that he was going to die in three weeks, but he was still very passionate about his work. I have never seen such a person with such a strong will.

“Oronto was a good man, he left us too early but God knows the best. I only pray that God should provide for the family and pray that his soul should rest in peace.”

On his part, Sambo said: “This is a very sad day for us. We have lost a very good friend, a brother and a patriotic Nigerian. He was a person of integrity, a patriot and we pray to Almighty God that his soul shall rest in perfect peace.

“We pray that the family he left behind will have the fortitude to bear this great loss. Nigeria has lost a very good man. A person that has contribute­d positively to the developmen­t of this country.”

Some of the early callers at Douglas’ residence were former Bayelsa State governor, Dipreye Alamieyesi­gha, who described him as someone who never slacked in any assignment­s he was given.

“We have been praying and trusting God for a miracle. There are a lot of things we did behind the scenes together to strengthen this government, he never slacked on any assignment given him.

“When he served as Commission­er for Informatio­n during my government, he was always meticulous and turned in his assignment­s on time,” he said.

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Power, Ambassador Godknows Igali, said Douglas was a great thinker who would be solely missed, adding: “He was a great man, he was very cerebral and respected in the internatio­nal community. He was a great thinker, an environmen­tal rights activist.”

Others seen at his residence were the Managing Director, News Agency of Nigeria, Ima Niboro, prolific writer Ike Okonta, Senator Nanadi Usman, Executive Secretary, National Christian Pilgrims Board, Kennedy Opara, who prayed for the family.

His younger brother, Otonye Douglas, said the family would meet in Bayelsa as tradition demands and draw up burial programmes.

Also, the Senate President yesterday described as devastatin­g, the death of Douglas.

Mark, in a condolence message to the president, government and people of Bayelsa State, lamented that Douglas passed on when his services were most needed.

“It is sad that Douglas died in his prime when the nation actually needed his services. Douglas was a scholar in his own right. He was resourcefu­l and dedicated. He was a think tank who left a vacuum too difficult to fill.

“I earnestly share in this grief even as I pray that God in His infinite mercies grant the immediate family the fortitude to bear this irreparabl­e loss,” he said.

He encouraged the bereaved family to take solace in the fact that the late Douglas lived an eventful life and left his positive footprints on the sands of time.

Mark said the deceased would be remembered for his struggle for the emancipati­on of the people of the Niger Delta, adding that he was an adherent to the rule of law and human rights in Nigeria.

In a statement, the Douglas family said he is survived by his wife, two sons, family and friends.

He was a very dedicated young man very committed. I was here last Saturday even though he knew of his passing, because the doctors had told him in America that he was going to die in three weeks, but he was still very passionate about his work. I have never seen such a person with such a strong will

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