Jang Cautions Gov-elect over Rumour Peddling

- Seriki Adinoyi

in Jos Plateau State Governor, Jonah David Jang, has described as petty and fallacious, the allegation by the media aide of the Governorel­ect, Simon Lalong, that he was embarking on massive looting of the state treasury, and engaged in sale of government owned landed property as well as conversion of government property for personal use.

In a statement signed by his Executive Assistant, Mr. Clinton Garuba, the Governor advised Lalong to concentrat­e on having a smooth transition process and going further to surpass the achievemen­ts of his administra­tion rather than engaging in unsubstant­iated rumour peddling, adding that the bar of leadership has been raised by his government, and people now know what it means to taste meaningful developmen­t and will not accept anything less.

Jang reminded the incoming administra­tion that the said treasury and property of the state have been under his watch in the past eight years, and he didn’t have any reason whatsoever to loot it.

“We hold our heads high because we delivered on the mandate given to us by the Plateau people as evident in the numerous projects that occupy the Plateau landscape.

“We call on all peace loving people of Plateau to therefore ignore rumours and fallacious statements being peddled either in the media or by word of mouth. The Jang administra­tion is putting together a comprehens­ive hand over note with all its actions as contained in the Plateau State Strategic Developmen­t Plan; a document which is the guide for the developmen­t of the State”.

Garuba said, “The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) will offer a vibrant opposition anchored on x-raying the policies and programmes of the incoming government vis-a-vis what we have to offer. Ours is going to be an issue based opposition which will criticise the programmes of government not an attack on personalit­ies who we may have fallen out with”.

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