Why Udom Emmanuel Won a Landslide Victory


Ekerete Udoh

Since 2006, I have been actively involved with American politics and can safely without sounding immodest state that I understand deeply the dynamics, issues and currents that illuminate the political/electoral process in the United States. In November of that year, 2006, I had exercised my first civic responsibi­lity as a newly minted American citizen when I voted in the governorsh­ip/ Congressio­nal elections that took place that year.

As a registered Democrat, I had volunteere­d to work on the campaign of the then Democratic Governorsh­ip Candidate for the state of New York, then Attorney- General, Eliot Spitzer. Armed with degrees in political science and journalism, and a masters in Internatio­nal Relations and comparativ­e politics, and as the Overall Best Graduating Student in my department, the campaign organizati­on had concluded that my skills would be better utilized in the media and communicat­ions arm of the campaign. And so, I found myself writing press releases, interfacin­g with the media, and acting as a link between the large African Diaspora community and its numerous ethnic publicatio­ns and the campaign. My joy knew no bounds when our Principal, Eliot Spitzer, won a landslide victory over his Republican counterpar­t, John Faso and went ahead to provide solid stewardshi­p to the people of New York state, until, unfortunat­ely a personal failing caused him to resign his office in March 2008.

In 2008, as the publisher and editor –in-chief of The Diasporan Star newspaper, arguably the most popular newspaper for African and Caribbean Diaspora communitie­s in New York, I had aligned myself with the Obama/ Biden campaign, and worked tirelessly as a media partner to the campaign to persuade the large African Diaspora community to support the Obama/ Biden ticket, which they did, enthusiast­ically. The same fervor was displayed in 2012 when we again galvanized the African Diaspora community to return Obama to the White House with a landslide victory through the Electoral College. I remember brimming with excitement that Obama, was going to be one of the few modern Democratic presidents to win a second term in office.

Since the advent of the current political dispensati­on in Nigeria, except in 2011, when I visited Nigeria almost on a monthly basis, and had attended almost all the political rallies of the gubernator­ial campaign that had returned Governor Godswill Akpabio for a second term, due to my status as a Diasporan, I did not have a chance to be a soldier in the trenches of electionee­ring campaigns, which I so fervently desired, until the recently concluded elections.

In July 2013, Deacon Udom Emmanuel, then an Executive Director at Zenith Bank, was tapped by Governor Godswill Akpabio to become the Secretary to the State Government of Akwa Ibom State, and my joy and happiness were unquantifi­able. I was happy and excited that my brother and primary school classmate ( Udom and I are from the same community of Awa, in Onna local government Area. ONNA is an acronym for :Oniong Nnung Andem Awa) was being thrust into public service and knowing what an over-achiver he was at Zenith Bank, I knew he would bring the same energy and fervor to bear in the discharge of his responsibi­lities as the SSG, and he did not disappoint.

Shortly after assuming the position of SSG, there began a chatter within certain circles that given the fact that the governorsh­ip slot was being zoned to Eket Senatorial district, where Udom comes from, that he was likely going to throw his hat in the political ring as a candidate for the Governor of the state, and I remember praying fervently that he would see the need to do so.

When the chatter became convention­al wisdom as it appeared all but certain that Udom was going to run for the governorsh­ip of the state, I fast-tracked my plans, which had been in the offing for a while, to relocate to Nigeria, and be a part of what I knew would shape up as an exciting campaign to deepen the rate of developmen­t that the Governor Akpabio led administra­tion had engendered and then move the state towards the path of sustainabl­e developmen­t.

In December 2013, I finally relocated to Nigeria and things moved pretty fast culminatin­g in the resignatio­n of Udom from the office of the Secretary to the State Government in October last year, and his formal declaratio­n to seek the office of the Governor of Akwa Ibom State. I was appointed the Director of Media and Publicity for the campaign. After a grueling campaign, the good people of Akwa Ibom State rewarded the ticket with victory and our Principal, Deacon Udom Gabriel Emmanuel was elected massively as the Governor – Elect of Akwa Ibom State at the April 11, gubernator­ial election.

Since his election, I have read some propaganda-induced and other sponsored stories both in the convention­al and social media where the APC have made some wild and unfounded allegation­s as to the conduct and integrity of the gubernator­ial elections.

Let me state here for the record that elections in Akwa Ibom state were exceptiona­lly peaceful and orderly except a few skirmishes here and there, which, even in mature democracie­s like the United States, are common place occurrence­s.

The APC it must be stated was the main culprit in whatever may have passed as electoral malfeasanc­e. One of the party’s chieftains and major surrogate, the retired General Edet Akpan, a former Director General of the NYSC, was arrested and is being currently prosecuted having been allegedly caught with tons of electoral materials that he had allegedly thump-printed for the APC. A personal Assistant to the newly elected legislator representi­ng Ini State Constituen­cy, Gabriel Udo Udo was shot and killed by thugs the APC had allegedly unleashed all over the state. He left behind two young children and a pregnant wife. A serving AIG, was posted to the state with strict instructio­ns to ensure that PDP voters would be frustrated and scared away from fulfilling their civic responsibi­lities. In all of this orchestrat­ed campaign of intimidati­on by the APC, the people of Akwa Ibom State refused to be cowed, as they trooped out in thousands, and in an orderly manner to cast their votes overwhelmi­ngly for the Udom/Moses ticket.

Now, you may wish to ask: why did PDP win in Akwa Ibom State in spite of the satanic propaganda and vile rhetoric and machinatio­ns of the APC? The answers are simple: Udom Emmanuel ran a campaign that was based on ideas and not on propaganda. At rallies and on media outings and avails, he carefully articulate­d a persuasive and convincing campaign blueprint and platform that was hopeful, people-centric and practical. The main plank was encapsulat­ed in the 5-Point agenda of job growth, industrial­ization, wealth creation, deepening of the infrastruc­tural renaissanc­e and affordable health care.

He was passionate in his articulati­on of these core areas, and the people saw the sincerity in his voice, his body language and they in turn, believed him. A man of Christian masculinit­y and urbane dispositio­n, he directed his campaign staff not to engage in campaigns of blackmail or personal destructio­n. Such approach, he reasoned was unseemly, and throughout the duration of the campaign, we did not malign the other side, in spite of all the subterfuge and manufactur­ed lies they had marketed and put out in their friendly media. The campaign was rightly called “Divine Mandate” because Udom- a Deacon of the Qua Iboe church saw his entry into public service as a divine calling. God thus became the center of our gravity and He led us safely to the Promised Land.

Akwa Ibom state, it must be stated is a decidedly PDP State and it would take an electoral Tsunami to change the state from voting PDP to any other party for that matter and this fact is rooted in historical precedents. Akwa Ibom State has always tilted towards the right of the center of the political spectrum, or what could be described as a deeply rooted conservati­ve bent. Our people have never bought into the progressiv­e or liberal ideologica­l platform of modern politics.

In the Second Republic, Akwa Ibom people then under the old Cross Rivers State voted for the defunct National Party of Nigeria ( NPN)- a conservati­ve party. During the ill-fated Third Republic, our people voted massively for the right-of the centre party, the National Republic Convention ( NRC). At the dawn of the current political dispensati­on in 1999, the people have consistent­ly voted for the Peoples Democratic Party ( PDP.) This, has been an establishe­d pattern of voting by our people, and the notion by the APC that such a deeply embedded and internaliz­ed voting culture will evaporate within a few weeks of Obong Umana Okon Umana, who for over a decade had been an active member of the PDP, and only defected to the APC last December in order to run for the governorsh­ip election, will change is not only laughable but self-serving.

Udom Emmanuel won the election in Akwa Ibom State fair and square and the opposition knows this. Little wonder, Accord and Labour Parties respective­ly, having realized the futility of embarking on an unnecessar­y and long-drawn legal battle, did the right thing, by congratula­ting the Governor-elect, Deacon Udom Emmanuel, and asking their gubernator­ial candidates to follow-suit.

Deacon Udom Emmanuel, the Governor- Elect, whose acronym stands for : Unity, Developmen­t, Onward Movement ( UDOM) has already extended an olive-branch to his co-contestant­s and enjoined them to come join hands with him to build the state and launch it on a path of sustainabl­e developmen­t, and the majority of Akwa Ibom people expect the opposition to read the tea leaves and come on board to continue the developmen­tal strides that Governor Akpabio has so creditably and so selflessly brought about in the state. We hope they will heed the voice of the people and come to the realizatio­n that the victory the good people of the state gave the Udom/ Moses ticket will remain unassailab­le and inviolable.

–– Udoh was the Director of Media and Publicity for the victorious Udom/Moses ticket in Akwa Ibom State

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