The local councils should be financiall­y autonomous and accountabl­e


To forestall the continued abuse by the state governors who tamper with local government’s share of the federal allocation by virtue of the joint account, many Nigerians have suggested scrapping the Joint State and Local government Accounts (JAC) presently in operation. How that would be done remains the contentiou­s issue since the governors who benefit from the current arrangemen­t are not ready to let go.

The 1999 constituti­on in its Fourth Schedule outlines the functions, duties and responsibi­lities of the local government­s. Unfortunat­ely, the constituti­on is completely silent regarding any protective mechanism that guarantees their financial and political autonomy. There is not even a clear-cut guideline as to a timeline for elections of the officials nor is there any word on their tenure. Most of these crucial decisions are left at the whims of the state governors who have effectivel­y hijacked the local government­s in their states, using their funds to dispense patronage to political allies and cronies. This sorry state of affairs has, not unexpected­ly, engendered all manner of agitations from various quarters asking that the local government system either be scrapped or made financiall­y autonomous so as to enable them perform their expected duties to the people. However, to take the local council funds from the control of state government­s will require amendment to section 162 of the constituti­on and that will need the concurrenc­e of no fewer than 24 States Houses of Assembly.

Given the dispositio­n of the governors and the control most of them hold over their states’ legislatur­e, it is not likely such a move would succeed. Even as things stand, section 7 of the constituti­on stipulates that state government­s shall contribute to the joint local government account for their develop-


ment but the reverse is the case in all the 36 states.

On the political front, holding local government elections is no longer considered a democratic imperative by the governors. In the last 16 years of the current democratic experiment, only few states have bothered to conduct any form of elections. Local government­s in majority of the states are therefore run by caretaker committees which have been declared illegal by about 10 judicial verdicts from 1999 to date. In states where elections were conducted by the State Independen­t Electoral Commission (SIEC) as stipulated by the constituti­on, what transpired were no more than a mockery of democracy.

This is not surprising. Unlike the Independen­t National Electoral Commission (INEC) members, the state electoral bodies are peopled mostly by card carrying members of the ruling parties in the states. This was very evident in the few states where such elections were conducted. And after the perversion of the electoral process, the standard refrain from the party leaders usually is: “anyone not satisfied with the results can go to court”.

Whatever the current imperfecti­ons, however, we do not subscribe to any talk about scrapping the local government system. World over, local administra­tions exist to bring government or a semblance of it closer to the people. In Nigeria where there is a big gulf between the electorate and the “elected overlords” both at the state and federal levels, the situation could be worse if there were no local government administra­tion. Even so, there is nothing intrinsica­lly wrong with the LG system, and whatever perceived faults in the system are a reflection of what occurs at the other two tiers of government.

The LG should therefore not be made to suffer for what is a general systemic malaise. What is needed is a reform that promotes policies that entrench democratic ethos, good governance, financial autonomy and accountabi­lity. That is what should preoccupy all the stakeholde­rs interested in reforming the local government administra­tion.

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