No Accolade for Jonathan

There was nothing spectacula­r about President Goodluck Jonathan conceding defeat to General Muhammadu Buhari, writes Abdulrafiu Lawal

- -Lawal, a Public Commentato­r wrote from Boston, United States

Some Nigerians have continued to advocate for Goodluck Jonathan to be nominated for the Mo Ibrahim and Nobel Peace prize for conceding defeat in the just concluded presidenti­al election. There was nothing spectacula­r about what Jonathan did that called for celebratio­n. In every election, there is always a winner and a loser. Conceding defeat is therefore a rational thing for anyone in any civilised society to do. In the case of Jonathan, he had no option than to concede defeat because he tried every other option but could not scale through. Nigerians all remember the Orubebe/Jega story and of recent, the sacking of former Inspector-General Suleiman Abba for not helping him to rig the elections. These groups of Nigerians are entitled to their opinion as provided by the Nigerian constituti­on. The Mo Ibrahim award listed lifting people out of poverty and paving way for sustainabl­e and equitable prosperity, demonstrat­ing exceptiona­l leadership and leaving office in the last three years as the requiremen­ts for award. The Norwegian Nobel prize on the other hand awarded since 1901 listed outstandin­g contributi­on to peace as the yardstick for nomination. Going through the website of the two organisati­ons, I do not see where President Jonathan fits in. For us to decide whether Jonathan deserve an award, it is important to take a historical excursion to review his six year sojourn at the helm of affairs. Many will recall how Nigerians fought for the implementa­tion of the doctrine of necessity when it was apparent the late Umaru Musa Yar’Adua could no longer pilot the affairs of the nation and also the manner the “cabal” treated him. Shortly after this, Jonathan shared the excess crude account to the governors so as to allow him contest for a fresh term in 2011. Next, he fired Vincent Ogbulafor as National Chairman of his party for insisting there was a one term pact. Then he sought to amend the constituti­on for a six year single term which he claimed he would not be a beneficiar­y. Nigerians were too smart for him, as it was dead on arrival at the National Assembly. I believe the late Dora Akunyili will be turning in her grave now seeing what has become of the Jonathan presidency that she fought for. At the party level, he brought Bamanga Tukur, who had lost touch with modern day political realities as National Chairman. Tukur rubbished the little that was left of internal democracy within the party and gave state governors the party machinery to run like their wife’s kitchen. Most of the founding fathers of the party were either chased or frustrated out of the party. The climax was an implosion with five governors leaving in one full sweep and all he could do was watch like a man lost in thought. Jonathan went a step further by refusing to declare his assets publicly and added salt to injury by saying “stealing is not corruption”. What then is corruption? How can a leader fight corruption when he does not see stealing public funds as a crime? It is not surprising that he shares similar line of thinking with some of his brothers from the Niger Delta, who see bunkering as morally right. The Internatio­nal Energy Agency (IEA) in its 2012-2013 report says the federal government and oil companies were losing $7 billion annually to oil theft. Asari Dokubo once told Nigerians that people of Niger Delta should not be prosecuted for vandalisin­g oil pipelines. He said “How can someone steal his own thing?” President Jonathan never uttered a word against legalisati­on of theft by his boy. In April 2014, like an adult who missed the freedom to dance as a child, Jonathan went to Kano to dance at his party’s rally barely twenty four hours after 200 people were killed in the Nyanya bomb blast in Abuja. Can Transforma­tion Ambassador­s of Nigeria (TAN) now compare him to Barack Obama who in November 2012 suspended presidenti­al campaigns to join one of his staunchest critics, New Jersey governor, Republican Chris Christie to comfort residents devastated by Sandy storm? The answer is obvious. This same Jonathan turned a blind eye as Boko Haram carried out genocide in the North East for six years apologies to former governor Murtala Nyako. He insulted Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno State on national television for saying Nigeria was not winning the war against Boko Haram. Jonathan also turned Nigerian soldiers to “women and children’’ who take cover when they see enemy’s fire. He took six years to realise that the military hardware needed to crush Boko has to be ordered and customised. It also took the visit of 17 years old Pakistani Malala Yousafzai before Jonathan met the parents of the Chibok girls. What a slap on Nigeria’s image! Former President Olusegun Obasanjo offered to help; he snubbed him and later referred to him as a “motor park elder statesman”. Like a bad student of history that he is, he failed to realise that one cannot be deceived by people and at the same time be deceiving himself. Obasanjo’s flaws as a human being aside, he is an institutio­n in Africa today. This is a man, who almost lost his manhood in the Nigerian civil war, escaped death by whiskers in prison over a phantom coup, came back to rule this country and encouraged his son in the army to fight Boko Haram. One should never throw away the baby with the bathwater. If he does not like Obasanjo, what about his message? Baba Iyabo as he is fondly called is not someone looking for money to buy a house in Dubai, designer perfume or shoe, but strongly believes in Nigeria as an indivisibl­e entity. All the clowns around asking him to insult Obasanjo have suddenly lost their voice. He may have forgotten that Atiku Abubakar with his formidable political machinery and financial war chest was badly bruised for taking the same path. A popular Yoruba proverb says that anyone who witnessed the rage of thunder will never join others to insult the god of fire. The “motor park elder statesman” has now written his political epitaph and he is leaving Aso Rock as the most “mocked and humiliated” Nigerian president. He has lost an opportunit­y to be one of Nigeria’s greatest leaders, probably if there is anything like reincarnat­ion he will be guided by patriotism rather than selfish interest if given the opportunit­y again. Looking at the PriceWater­Housecoope­rs report on Nigerian National Petroleum Corporatio­n (NNPC), one can see why the economy looks like a farmland ravaged by locusts – 60 million Nigerians are living below poverty line and standards lowered so much that “E or F” has become pass mark. The 199 page report states that out of the total sale receipts (2012-2013) for crude oil of $69.34 billion, NNPC remitted $50.81 billion and $18.53 billion unaccounte­d for. What I find worrisome is that things have gone bad in this country that it is not only our infrastruc­ture that has collapsed, but also standards for assessing our leaders. Mediocrity has become a central part of our system. I see anyone who calls Jonathan a hero as an “E or F” student in school. Or how would one describe a student, who performed below average as a good student. If we reward Jonathan, then we are setting the pace to reward poor performanc­e. Jonathan is the biggest beneficiar­y of Nigeria’s democracy and constituti­on rising through the system from deputy governor, governor, vice-president and president, but abdicated his responsibi­lity as the Commander-in-Chief. He destroyed the Nigerian Governors Forum through the infamous 16 is greater than 19 arithmetic which he is a product of. In the last four years, Nigerians had their hearts in their mouth as they worshipped in mosque and churches. He took the country to the brink of another civil war by promoting ethnic and religious division. His inglorious tenure need to be confined to the dustbin of history for Nigerians to move forward. Former United States president, George Bush is today being avoided like a “leprous finger” by Republican­s and Democrats for lying to the people and leading the country to two most expensive wars in history. The aftermath of Iraq and Afghan wars are hanging on the American economy today like a bad dream that will not go away for years to come. While Bill Clinton is given several assignment­s on behalf of the country, can anyone pinpoint an event where Bush has been asked to present a paper since leaving office? Why should ours be different? After six years of the Jonathan presidency, Nigeria is today like an old car, with worn out tyres, broken head lamps, non-functional brake, no shock absorber with an inebriated driver. His government cannot pinpoint a single achievemen­t in six years. Nigerians have realised that they made a mistake by giving the job of a pilot to a roadside barber. It will take about two years for Muhammadu Buhari to get the country running again. What Buhari will be taking over in the next few weeks is “carcass” in form of depleted foreign reserves, huge debt profile and a battered image in the internatio­nal community. Even the gales of appointmen­ts by Jonathan are landmines laced on the path of Buhari to create “bad blood” for the incoming administra­tion. Perhaps, the Mo Ibrahim and Nobel Peace award panel may have a new category for mediocre and charlatans, then Jonathan will surely qualify for this award.

 ??  ?? Jonathan...dug his own grave
Jonathan...dug his own grave

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