Trekking for Fame

More Nigerians are getting on the road, going on long arduous journeys from one city to another, either to celebrate General Muhammadu Buhari’s victory during the last presidenti­al election or the sportsmans­hip of President Goodluck Jonathan in conceding


"Iwill walk from Lagos to Abuja if Major General Muhammadu Buhari wins the election." Those were the words Suleiman Hashim uttered to a group of disbelievi­ng friends two years before the just-concluded general elections. When he made the vow, he had no inkling that his words would ever come to pass. Fast forward to now, he began the trip and completed it, and thus became an internet sensation, which triggered off other walkers in his ilk.

The 33-year-old Katsina-born sojourner began this journey on March 29, a day after Buhari was declared winner of the presidenti­al poll which held on March 28, 2015.

Embarking on the journey with just the knapsack on his back, which consisted of few edibles, personal hygienic items, and cash, he set off on the 750 kilometers journey from Lagos and arrived in Abuja on April 20, 2015.

The 19-day walkathon saw him faced with challenges associated with walking alone from one destinatio­n to another, as well as making new friends on the way before he arrived his destinatio­n.

Soon afterwards, the trend became like a wildfire such that many other people including females began to trek for politician­s of their choice.

Time Log of Walk

Hashimu was said to have started the victory walk by 5am on March 29 and arrived in Ibadan, Oyo State, around 6pm.

Now known as 'The Traveller,’ he said upon arrival in Ibadan, he had gone to get a police report to allow for a smooth journey, but since he could not wait for the processes to be completed, the divisional police officer gave him his phone number.

He reportedly walked to Ilorin, where some people accompanie­d him until he got to Oloru, after which he set off for Jebba. He later continued his trip from Mokwa to Kudu, then from Kutigi to Bida, where he met the Emir.

In Zuba, be received a horse as a gift from the Agora Of Zuba, HRH Mohammed Bello Umar and on April 20, he arrived Suleja, which is 35 kilometers away from Abuja, where he met with the Emir of Suleja.

Upon his arrival in Abuja on Monday, many residents who had heard of his self-imposed walk trooped out to meet him. Unknown to him, his fame had preceded him. Thus, his arrival in Abuja was greeted with chants of Sai Baba and Sai Buhari.

Afterwards, the Buhari Support Organizati­ons, (BSO) accompanie­d him to pay an appreciati­on visit to the Nigerian Turkish Hospital in Abuja for supporting him with the last lap of his trip and they were received by Deputy Director of the Hospital, Dr. Atilla Emiroglu and Dr. Mohammed Abubakar.


Expectedly, many doubted the veracity of his claims, arguing that there was no proper documentat­ion to back up his claims. One of such who doubted his claims is the famous Nollywood actor and producer, Charles Novia.

Tweeting from his Twitter handle @charlesnov­ia he wrote, "Distance from Lagos to Abuja: about 778km. Trekking by foot entails covering 38.9km daily plus 20 days. No sleep, no rest. How did he do it? Na wash

"Lagos to Abuja in 19 days by foot? Pants on fire! Did the young man who trekked not hitch a ride or cab somewhere along the journey? It couldn't have been all on foot! In 19 days? Haba!"

To which one Dapo tweeting from @ tweetDapsy­n

replied, "Bros on the average 1,320 steps equal 1km. I take 5,712 steps in 1hr. Lagos - Abuja is 744km which equals 982,080 steps.

"If the guy walked 10hrs a day, he did made 57,120 steps. In 19days he would have covered 1,085,280. Which is more than 744km."

Another person, Freda-Josh Simon tweeting from @angelicfre­da4u wrote "@charlesnov­ia,

"Do you realise he would have found the easiest routes, I heard some people offered him ride but he refused. Stop hating."

A blogger and journalist, Stella Dimokorkok­us wrote, "They should provide us a log of how he trekked. I said this before.

"He looked too composed, not stressed out and not sweating from someone who walked under the hot sun. Why was his trekking not even put on camera with the recording showing the time. Even though I congratula­te him, I still have my doubts and I am with Charles on this one. Also a journalist, Ahmad Salkida, doubted Hashimu's feat although he later acknowledg­ed that his claims were genuine. Salkida did a volte face when he liaised with experts who said the walk could be achieved in 19days.

Tweeting from @ContactSal­kida he wrote, "Experts just said Hashimu Suleiman can travel the distance of Lagos to Abuja in 108.48hrs or 4.52 days but he did that in 19 days."

Recounting His Experience

Expectedly, the journey was not an easy one as he even encountere­d armed robbers close to Mokwa. He said initially when he wanted to embark on the journey, many people including family members attempted to discourage him.

Their warnings came to bear especially when he encountere­d the robbers, as well as when he had to brave the elements, the dangers of the road and the energy factor to complete his quest.

Narrating the incident regarding the armed robbers, he said but fortunatel­y for him, he had already met one of them in Jebba and thus they ended up giving him N200 for pure water.

Also in Ilorin, he said people accompanie­d him for several miles until he stopped at Oloru, before heading to Jebba, where he was treated to great hospitalit­y.

He also said as part of measures to make his journey smooth, 20 people set off with him from Jebba and after some miles, 18 turned back, but the other two remained.

Despite the challenges he faced, he said the experience on the road was adventurou­s and remarkable as he met a lot of people who have heard of him and showed him great hospitalit­y.

Asides having made history, perhaps the most rewarding part of his journey was finally meeting the reason for his walkathon. After his arrival in Abuja, a meeting was arranged between the duo on April 24 and he had this to say; "I made a promise because of the love I have for Mr. President that if Buhari should win the 2015 elections, I will trek from Lagos to Abuja which I have done.

"I thank God that I made a promise and I fulfilled the promise. Once I found myself

 ??  ?? Suleiman greets President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari
Suleiman greets President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari

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