Remita Corporate Game Commences


The 2015 edition of the Remita Corporate Champions Cup, organised by one of Nigeria’s leading software solution houses, SystemSpec­s commenced in Lagos last week, with a draw that pitched United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc against MTN in the first match. The Remita Champions Cup, a knockout soccer competitio­n, which held for the first time last year, is targeted at bringing a measure of relaxation into the ‘strictly business and work’ Nigerian corporate world. Its uniqueness stems from the fact that it cuts across the diverse industries that make up the Nigerian corporate world, bringing together teams from the Banking Sector, Telecommun­ications Sector, Insurance Sector, Pharmaceut­ical Sector, and the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Sector. Speaking at the draw ceremony, the Managing Director of SystemSpec­s, Johnson Obaro told THISDAY that the aim of the competitio­n is to teach the corporate world how to have some fun. “We want to create a relaxed atmosphere for people to understand that serious issues can be blended with relaxation issues for you to have the best results,” he said, “and we are looking forward to good turnouts, especially from family members of the players, from the corporate world, to come in and cheer their team, and have some fun together.” The Brand Ambassador of the Competitio­n, Nigerian Football great, Peter Rufai was optimistic that this year’s edition would be better than the last. Executive Director, SystemSpec­s, Deremi Atanda reiterated that purpose of the competitio­n is to break the monotony of hard-work associated with the corporate world. He observed: “Our primary investment in the Remita Champions Cup is actually to break the work-work mentality. Like they say, ‘all work and no play make Jack a dull boy’. We are in a knowledge industry where most of our workers are cerebral and they sit behind their desks all day.”

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