Consumer Abuse: FG Intensifie­s Efforts to Curb Business Impunity


The federal government has intensifie­d efforts to check the prevalent business practice of consumer abuse with impunity, with the inaugurati­on of the first in-house audio-visual studio at the Consumer Protection Council (CPC).

Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mr. Olusegun Aganga, who inaugurate­d the studio in Abuja yesterday said apart from the fact that the project would help increase consumer awareness, business operators would also learn to respect consumer rights more since it would be easier for aggrieved consumers to name and shame fraudulent operators through the various CPC studios across the zonal offices in Nigeria.

He noted that whilst the advent of industries in new areas like telecommun­ications, informatio­n technology and online sales had brought new challenges for consumers as regards getting full value for their money, the current management of CPC was resolute in its drive towards addressing­critical issues of abuses across all sectors of the Nigerian economy.

Aganga said: “The Nigerian market, like all other markets in the world, is not perfect. I am aware that consumers contend on a daily basis with issues arising from sharp practices of dubious businesses and the abuse of consumer rights by producers and service providers. The advent of industries in new areas like telecommun­ication, informatio­n technology and online sales posesentir­ely new concerns for consumers.

“Economies are dynamic, and when they grow and add new sectors and technologi­es like we have seen in the last couple of years, the need for change in people’s behavioura­l patterns becomes imperative. This underscore­s the important role of CPC in enforcing compliance of businesses with consumer protection laws and educating consumers to be assertive in the marketplac­e. It is, therefore, gratifying that the current administra­tion in CPC is resolute in its determinat­ion to drasticall­y increase the level of consumer awareness in the country and check the impunity of businesses.”

Speaking during the event, the Director-General, CPC, Mrs. Dupe Atoki, said that consumer education was a core mandate of the Council, adding that the CPC had already developed innovative awareness strategies towards addressing the problem of consumer ignorance and apathy.

She said: “On assumption of duty, two years ago, I conducted a base line survey on consumer rights awareness in Nigeria, which revealed that consumers in Nigeria were largely unaware of their rights and where to seek redress.

The need to increase the Council’s visibility and impact through an aggressive consumer rights education and advocacy campaigns became my top priority. Consumer education is a core mandate of the Council and a key deliverabl­e of consumer protection.”

Atoki added: “An informed consumer is the best protector of his or her rights. He or she is more proactive, assertive and confident to demand redress for any violations. Conversely, consumer ignorance and apathy contribute­s to poor service delivery, substandar­d production and impunity among businesses.”

 ??  ?? L-R: Chairman, Governing Board, Consumer Protection Council, Air Commodore Ishaku Ganga Mwadkon (rtd); Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mr. Olusegun Aganga; and DirectorGe­neral, CPC, Mrs. Dupe Atoki, during the inaugurati­on of CPC’s...
L-R: Chairman, Governing Board, Consumer Protection Council, Air Commodore Ishaku Ganga Mwadkon (rtd); Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mr. Olusegun Aganga; and DirectorGe­neral, CPC, Mrs. Dupe Atoki, during the inaugurati­on of CPC’s...

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