P’Harcourt Disco Workers Protest in Calabar

- Bassey Inyang in Calabar

The Nigeria Labour Congress Private Sector (NLCPS), and the National Union of Electricit­y Employee (NUEE), Cross River State chapter, yesterday prevented workers from entering the premises of the Calabar Office of the Port Harcourt Electricit­y Distributi­on Company (PHEDC).

The workers took the action as they staged a protest against what they described as unfavourab­le working condition of the company.

The protest, they workers stated, was in demand of better welfare package from their employers, and the recognitio­n of their union by the PHEDC management.

While the protest lasted throughout the morning hours, the protesting workers carried placards bearing several slogans.

One of the placards read: ‘PHEDC MGT. Negotiate Now, Stop Enslavemen­t of Electricit­y Workers, Give Us Our Right To Unionise’.

Speaking on behalf of the protesters, Chairman of NLCPS, Mr. Kalu Imong, said the exercise was necessary because the rights of electricit­y labour workers have been violated by PHEDC.

Imong said the employees of the Calabar office of the PHEDC have been deprived of their welfare and the management of the company base on flimsy excuses arbitraril­y dismisses hard working staff of the company.

“The people whom government sold this company to have refused to live in accordance with Nigeria labour law. In this country, we have laws that bind and regulate the conduct of certain individual­s and organisati­ons and there is a breach of those laws,” he said.

The chairman complained that so many workers have been unlawfully dismissed for no just reason, adding that most of the sacked staff were hard working.

“The outstandin­g issues of casualisat­ion of workers, arbitrary dismissal of hard working staff, and certain modalities were being breached daily and the medical facilities are not there for the persons working,” he said.

Imong called on government to mediate on the issues raised by the workers, and also demanded that PHEDC call the union for negotiatio­n as soon as possible.

“We call on the government and management of the electricit­y company to find time and negotiate all these outstandin­g issues that constitute a bridge on our labour right,” he said.

Chairman of NUEE, Mr. Daniel Asuquo, said the union would stop at nothing to fight for their rights until necessary authoritie­s hear their cries.

“I am not striking, I am on picketing. The picketing will last as long as PHEDC will see reasons to call a round table conference and also meet our demands, which are before them,” Asuquo said.

Manager Cooperate Communicat­ion of PHEDC, Mr. Jonah Iboma, while reacting to the action of the workers, said his office has not received any formal complaints from labour union concerning their claims, urging NUEE to formally write the PHDC look into their demands.

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