Nsukka/Igboeze Federal Seat: Police Report Indicts Rep of Forgery


Christophe­r Isiguzo in Enugu The controvers­y trailing the Nsukka/Igboeze-South Federal Constituen­cy seat of Enugu state assumed a frightenin­g dimension yesterday as the report of police investigat­ion in a case of alleged forgery preferred against a three-time member of the House of Representa­tives, Hon. Pat Asadu indicted the federal lawmaker.

The report and the case file were also forwarded to the Department of Public Prosecutio­n (DPP) for legal advice in view of the status of the person in question. There are strong indication­s however that the lawmaker might face prosecutio­n before long as a result of the “damning report”.

The report of the investigat­ion carried out by the State Intelligen­ce Bureau of the Enugu State Police Command, with one DSP Iwara Ibiang as the Officer in-charge alleged that Asadu had forged the result sheet of the December 6, 2014 PDP primaries election for the National Assembly aspirants for Igboeze South/ Nsukka federal constituen­cy.

The lawmaker was also said to have used the “questionab­le result sheet with serial number 0000324” to obtain judgment at the Federal High Court, Abuja, as the candidate that won the PDP primary election for the constituen­cy and was accordingl­y issued with INEC Certificat­e of Return and sworn in as an elected member of the lower chamber of the National Assembly.

The six-page report dated October 19, 2015 and addressed to the Police Commission­er in the state with the signature of Ibiang made it clear that the complainan­t in the case and a claimant to the federal seat, Hon. Ikechukwu Ugwuegede was able to defend all the document he attached to his petition against Asadu in the course of the investigat­ion while Asadu on his part could not defend his documents.

The report also copied to both the petitioner and defendant noted that apart from the National and State Secretaria­ts of the party that defended Ugwuegede as the authentic candidate of the PDP in the said election, forensic analysis used in the course of the investigat­ion also discovered discrepanc­ies in the documents tendered by Asadu.

According to the report: “from the available facts in conjunctio­n with the findings of the forensic/handwritin­g analysis, there were clear indication­s that the document in question, that is the result sheet presented by Hon. Patrick Asadu is a subject of forgery.

However, in view of involvemen­t of a public officer, a member of the Federal House of Representa­tives, INEC and party officials, the case file was forwarded to the Department of Public Prosecutio­n (DPP) for appropriat­e legal advice, please.”

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