Abia APGA and the Denigratio­n of the Judiciary

- Godwin Adindu

The judiciary is sacred. It is to democracy what the vestry is to the holy temple. It is the sanctuary of democracy, the fulcrum of life of any civilised society. I think that somebody, and this is not sarcastic, must volunteer to teach this freshman course to the leaders of the All Progressiv­es Grand Alliance (APGA) in Abia State. We may have been committing a very fatal error to presume that they know or that they should have known. Ignorance could be a valid claim to innocence in these matters. We forget that, as Amos Alcott noted, to be ignorant of one’s ignorance is the malady of the ignorant.

Every civilised society and every civilised person or group respect the sanctity of the judiciary. The judiciary as one of the three arms of government is so crucial and critical to the social contract that its independen­ce cannot be negotiated. The ability to interpret the law and dispense justice accordingl­y remains the responsibi­lity of the judiciary and that is why it is the last bastion of hope of the common man. The judiciary exists not only to check the excesses of the executive arm and the legislatur­e but to check and control the society. It exists to control and direct the activities of man and, in that spirit, we avoid acting in contempt of the court.

It is from this premise that every well-meaning Nigerian must decry the campaign of calumny mounted by APGA against the chairman and members of the Abia State Election Petition Tribunal. Since after the judgement of the tribunal in the petitions of the National and House of Assembly elections and the verdict of the Owerri Appeal Court, where APGA had gone to seek for extension of time to present more witnesses, the party literally went gaga against the honourable jurists of the Abia tribunal. In a well- orchestrat­ed media campaign, both in the print, electronic and on other channels, the party has accused the jurists of having been bribed and compromise­d to divert justice in favour of the PDP.

The height of this campaign of character assassinat­ion was the call by APGA for the jailing and possible execution of the judges of the Abia election tribunal. It has been a sheer irony for a party which had earlier expressed an unflinchin­g faith in the judiciary as a citadel of justice to turn around and launch such disparagin­g campaign, not just against the jurists, but against the institutio­n of the judiciary, simply because their canvassed wheel of justice (which they have been waiting for) does not seem to be swinging in their favour.

Let us sample the aspersions of Abia APGA against the tribunal. In a full page advertoria­l published on page 41 of the Nation Newspaper of Friday, October 16, 2015, and personally signed by Reverend Ehiemere as the chairman of APGA, he declared as follows: “Huge sums of money in form of gratificat­ion have exchanged hands between the PDP leadership in the state and cronies of the justices. Consequent­ly, some of the judges have been responding in line with the dictate of the lucre as evidenced in the current dismissing of all petitions filed by our party against the PDP candidates. The bribe funds, we understood, were delivered to the judges outside the country and through proxies in order to leave no traces.”

APGA, again, went further to call for the trial, jailing and execution of the jurist, in another full-page advertoria­l titled: “Abia Election Petition Tribunals; The Height of Travesty of Justice,” published on page 47 of the Nation of the same date. Quote; “There should be no space for corrupt judges in the present Nigeria. It is not enough to just retire them, they must be tried and if found guilty, jailed or even shot to death as the people of Ghana are asking their president to do.”

On Sunday, October 18, in another full-page advertoria­l published on page 10 of the Nation Newspapers, APGA fired again: “In the last few weeks, suspicious but serious moves involving the officials of the Abia State Government have been made across the borders of Nigeria to seek a possible and highly secretive way of compromisi­ng the judges either in cash or through the purchase of very expensive property.”

The party continued again on Wednesday, October 21, on page 39 and 40 to denigrate and malign the character and integrity of the tribunal. Their language is uncouth, derogatory and abusive and only projects a picture of a desperate people. Considerin­g that there is still a window for APGA to seek further redress in the Court of Appeal, if it thinks that its petition has not be judiciousl­y addressed, one could only conclude that their action in the last couple of days is a meditated intentiona­l to ridicule the hallowed institutio­n of the Nigerian judiciary. If the party is convinced that it still has some claim to make, the right action should have been to proceed to the higher court, which has the jurisdicti­on to vacate the judgement of the lower court than to resort to uncivil and barbaric actions of name- calling and mudslingin­g.

It is clear that the whole aim in the scenario is to tarnish the coveted image and reputation of the honourable jurists and cast aspersion on the credibilit­y of the Nigerian judiciary. This, precisely, amounts to taking election gangsteris­m too far. And this does not portray us positively before the civilised global community. The party would also add salt to injury by calling out paid touts and street urchins to attempt to orchestrat­e unrest, purporting it to be a reaction to the judgement of the tribunal. The aim being to create an atmosphere of pandemoniu­m and, thereby, portray the state to be in crisis over the rulings that were indisputab­ly fair to all concerned. Politics should not be this dirty and filthy and politician­s should play it with some conscience.

There is need for the members of the Nigerian judiciary, both the bar and the bench, to rise up in condemnati­on of the attack that has been unleashed on members of the Abia tribunal and the denigratio­n that has come the way of the judiciary, no thanks to the Abia branch of APGA. There is a sense in which this smear against the Abia tribunal has a spiral link to how every other tribunal should or should not be treated. And this statement must be made unequivoca­lly as a lesson to the Abia APGA. The court is a hollowed entity that should not be treated with disdain or held in such contemptuo­us manner that cast a bad image on our total outlook as a country. Somebody must call the party to order and reverse this flagrant descent to indecency.

The people of Abia respect the rule of law and the impartiali­ty of the judiciary and do believe that the judgements so far delivered by the tribunal are fair to all concerned. Abians see the attack on the tribunal as transcendi­ng the borders of decency and sanity. Nigerians owe a duty to the judiciary to uphold its sanctity.

–– Adindu is the Chief Press Secretary to Governor Ikpeazu.

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