FGN and MTN:


When I read through the Editorial of THISDAY on Monday , March 7, 2016 with the above title, the questions that came to mind were – Who made THISDAY the mouthpiece of MTN? What is THIS DAY’s interest in this matter? The MTN that THISDAY is pleading for, are they repentant? When the company was fined N1.04 trillion in October and to pay before December they pleaded for reduction in fine. One would think they were ready to play ball if the amount was reduced. What did they do after the fine was reduced? The company headed for court. Imagine!

According to a Yoruba proverb “you do not stay too long prostratin­g or kneeling when you know you are guilty of an offence”. The reverse is the case with MTN. In an attempt “to plead innocence, they are almost running out of saliva”. MTN failed to fully accept guilt over the matter and it is rather unfortunat­e. Personally, am not surprised and you are free to ask why. The way South African companies have been treating Nigeria and Nigerians is not the best. Sometime last year, Multi Choice (DSTV) decided to increase their subscripti­on rates for the different bouquets without taking their customers into considerat­ion and for no apparent reason. Nigerians kicked against it and somebody even took the matter to court. To everyone’s surprise Multi Choice went ahead to implement the new rates not minding whose ox was gored. To them, the subscriber­s might as well go to hell and possibly remain there. As we speak the increased rates still stand.

Coming back to the issue at hand, if MTN knew they would go to court why beg for downward review of the fine? They headed for court as soon as the fine was reduced, which to me was mischievou­s. After dilly-dallying, the company finally paid a paltry N50 billion and decided to withdraw the case from court. What a crafty way of doing things. Maybe they think Nigeria government will pat them on the back and say” go in peace, your sins are forgiven”. If that is their thought, is it reasonable? Probably MTN was thinking delay tactics, foot-dragging and arm-twisting combined will do the trick. They forgot to realise it is no longer business as usual. This government is a serious government and is for real. PMB is in charge and a no nonsense man for that matter. The time for change is now.

The issue must have long been resolved if MTN had shown some humility, tread softly

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