5 Inexpensiv­e Upgrades

I’ve just spent the last week doing up an apartment for a client who is looking to sell and as expected, is trying to get the best value for the property. With property prices on the way down, now is a great time to snap up that new pad you’ve been lookin

- OMON ANENIH-MORDI For questions, comments, feedback and help with your design dilemmas send an email to Saturday@BlueMahoga­ We would love to hear from you

If you’re feeling money minded at the moment, you may be considerin­g how you can maximise the value of your home – whether you simply want to invest in sprucing up the place in a way which makes a positive financial difference, or are looking to sell up and move onto pastures new. Applying a fresh coat of paint and giving the place a very thorough clean throughout are definitely no-brainers. But what else can you do to enhance the value of your home without breaking the bank? To offer a helping hand, we’ve put together a few key interior design upgrades you can make which will help to boost your home’s value, inexpensiv­ely and quickly.

1. Choose “the Right Path”

First impression­s count, and a warm welcome is always well received. That’s why one of the best ways to inexpensiv­ely improve the look, feel and value of your home is to update or install your walkway to your front door. A clean, clear and cared for pathway to the entrance to your home instantly makes it feel more inviting, helping to put potential buyers in a positive mindset before they’ve even crossed the threshold. Whether you choose tile, gravel, brick or an alternativ­e surface, choose to decorate with pretty planting or not – expend a little care on creating “the right path” to boost the value of your home.

2. Revamp your Front Door

By the same token, a smart front door can work wonders for the perception, desirabili­ty, welcome and therefore value of your property. Exposed to the elements 24/7, our home’s exteriors can quickly start to deteriorat­e and can begin to look less than lovely before we’ve had a chance to notice. From giving your front door a simple fresh lick of a paint in a neutral shade and giving your windows a hearty clean, to replacing doors which have suffered damage over time, investing in your front door can add value to your home quickly and easily.

3. Choose Tile

If you find yourself with a little extra cash to spend on a bathroom or kitchen update – choose tiling as your ideal flooring. Beautiful to look at, easy to maintain and incredibly durable, buyers love tiled floors and tiled areas will add instant value to your home.

4. Upgrade Utility Items

It can be tempting to overlook the everyday objects in your home and instead focus on creating a more luxurious feel with fixtures and fittings, but upgrading the more practical, less glamorous items in your home is far smarter when you’re keen to boost its value. From toilets to taps, a home which is made up of clean, modern, well-made and long-lasting practical items will always impress potential buyers.

5. Add Some Quick Fixes

If you are really strapped for time or funds, or want to make a few finishing touches, updating your fixtures is one of the fastest and most affordable ways to make a difference to the appearance and value of your home, boosting its quality. Focus on light fittings, handles and plumbing fixtures for a cheap, fast upgrade.

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