‘Investment in Education will Bring Hope to Future Generation­s’

- Funmi Ogundare

The former Vice-Chancellor, Ondo State University of Science and Technology (OSUSTECH), Prof. Tolu Odugbemi, has stressed the need for the country to have a proud and cohesive people where appropriat­e values and attention are placed on key sectors such as education, human rights and security by government.

He said investment in the key areas especially the education sector would bring a future and hope for this generation and future generation­s.

Odugbemi, who said this recently at a reception held in his honour tagged, ‘An Hour with the Doyen’ by the management of University of Lagos (UNILAG), stressed that honesty, hard work and expression of all good values that were honoured in the old days and even taught as civics should be brought back as attributes of good citizens, rather than the acquisitio­n of wealth by any means.

“There is unbridled and reckless display of wealth, which should have been directed to productive ventures in health, education and agricultur­e. There should also be a workable code of conduct amongst various profession­al groups; teachers, judges, doctors, civil servants etc. Monies are recklessly spent in public places to show off.

“This behaviour is not good for the country as it sends wrong signals to our youths. Our administra­tion has pivotal role to get us out of the ‘hopelessne­ss’ and ignorance/misconcept­ions.”

Odugbemi said attention must be paid to the implementa­tion of good ideas if they are to be useful for positive change in the country, adding that character building must accompany any form of learning for graduates to be relevant in the society. “We Nigerians must re-assure ourselves that we can rebuild our societies by refocusing our values on positive and virtuous traits.” The don expressed concern about the country’s education sector, saying that instead of the current education system helping to propel the country forward, the country faces a gloomy state of decay because of wrong ideas and teachings that made ‘self’ instead of the ‘society’ the centre of developmen­t.

“The over-developmen­t of “self” in positive ways would not have harmed the nation but the greed attached to ‘self-developmen­t’ has. There are supervisor­y bodies set up to monitor developmen­t of education in our schools and higher institutio­ns. Some members of such supervisor­y bodies are generally uninformed about their duties, and responsibi­lities attached to their offices.

“While some work very hard for excellence others see membership of such bodies as opportunit­ies to ‘make it’. Projects to be supervised by supervisor­y bodies become personal ‘projects’ of self-aggrandise­ment they execute with nothing to show at the end of the day. Even the funds for execution of necessary projects are usually taken to be ‘for sharing’.

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