Sapele is still a shadow of its former self, writes Bob MajiriOghe­ne Etemiku

- Etemiku is manager communicat­ions, Africa Network for Environmen­t & Economic Justice

If indeed travel takes your mind for a ride, what happened to me over the weekend in Sapele was indeed an eye-opener. The family of my friends, the Efetevbias and their bride were to exchange matrimonia­l vows. Unlike our president, I wasn’t going to fake an ear illness or fear of militants not to go to the Delta home front. The family involved is a special one. Besides, I wanted to visit a part of the Niger Delta seething with resentment over underdevel­opment and marginalis­ation, and see things first hand, especially with the new bluster and muscle from the Niger Delta Avengers which seemed to have effectivel­y put the fright on our beloved president. Recently the president was scheduled to visit Ogoniland for the purpose of implementi­ng the UNEP Report and the launching of the first stage of the clean-up of a despoiled land.

But at the last minute, he opted out because of the so-called security reports which advised him against the trip. A lot of us were surprised: one, this is a president who is commander-in-chief of our troops on air, land and sea and a former soldier at that. If Mr. President is afraid to move around even with the fire-power and men at his disposal, then lesser mortals like me who have only a pen and computer as weapons as our last line of defence are in hot soup. Two, I remember the sort of opprobrium which Nigerians poured on Mr. Buhari’s predecesso­r Goodluck Jonathan who did not visit Chibok just after over 200 school girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram. I remember as well then there were threats to Mr. Jonathan’s life if he visited Borno. I do not regret advising Mr. Jonathan not to go visit Borno then because I verily believed that the gravity of threat to the life of Mr. Buhari’s predecesso­r then was more tangible than that to Mr. Buhari’s especially judging from their temperamen­ts and antecedent­s. The lesson here is that a president of a country wouldn’t be cancelling scheduled visits to any section of Nigeria if the right and proper thing can be done.

Therefore, I set off. The plan was to go there with Mrs. Etemiku but on second thought I decided it wouldn’t be wise. I am unlike Chief Olusegun Obasanjo who is said to have married a petite Stella so that he could easily pick her up and scram if there was trouble. Mrs. Etemiku is nearly my size and if indeed the avengers were coming for us, picking up my inamorata and running away would be a huge challenge. Clad in my traditiona­l costume and okpo to match, I arrived at the park to find out that not only had the drivers jacked up the fare by 100%, we also had to be squeezed like sardine: in a vehicle for four, we ended up on the journey with seven: four at the back seat, and me in front with another passenger in the front seat with the driver. I cannot blame the driver: if people with public funds are not stealing the monies, I am certain that there would be a cheap and comfortabl­e metro system akin to the ones in Europe plying the Benin-Sapele road today. Relevant institutio­ns set up to work for the developmen­t of the Niger Delta must consider this. Daily, we are subjected to these inhuman treatments which erode whatever worth and dignity we possess as Nigerians.

As we drove along, the chap in front with me already had cramps. But luck was on our side: the journey to Sapele from Benin is not more than 30 minutes, and so instead of settling down to enjoy the scenic beauty of our landscape or take time to catch a quick nap, we shifted and adjusted without let. While doing so, one curious thing caught my attention at Oghara. As you drive by, you begin to see that a large chunk of land which had been cordoned off by the Nigeria Navy is already being cleared, and for whatever purpose, may not be too hard to ascertain. I know about the tension brewing between Oghara people and the Nigerian Navy over that mighty piece of land. Indigenes complain that the Nigerian Navy illegally occupies a land which supports them economical­ly. And when I visited that piece of land sometime this year, I found out that there is an ecosystem which supports thousands of palm trees, kola nut trees, and water bodies which are home to wildlife that would immediatel­y go into extinction if the Nigerian Navy goes ahead with their plan to annex the land. What therefore comes up from this little story is that the Nigerian state frequently and deliberate­ly confronts the people of the Niger Delta at several levels in addition to the despoliati­on of an already traumatise­d land and people.

None of the Safians (as people in Sapele call themselves) whom I had several conversati­ons with would agree that there is any meaningful developmen­t in this ancient town. I thought there was actually. To the ordinary eye, the big banks dotting the town, the boutiques along the driveways would give the impression that there is some improvemen­t from what I know of Sapele in the 90s. But I was told that these were refurbishe­d building only enjoying a veneer of paint. I began to find out that indeed this is a neglected town, and the indexes of poverty and underdevel­opment converge in Sapele: at the venues of the wedding ceremony, there was a big pool of water, which I was told is a monument of the 2012 flood which sacked Niger, Kogi and Delta States. Those who came spraying money or who drove their princely cars into the venue of the reception became easy prey for scavengers and the thousands who showed up seeking a morsel or two to fill their empty stomachs.


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