House on Fire

- Abimbola Akosile

Like one popular saying goes, when it rains it pours. And that saying is so apt regarding what is going on at the National Assembly right now. The Legislatur­e, which is the second arm of government saddled with making laws and appropriat­ions for the country’s governance process, is currently in uproar like a house on fire, and the irony is that the heat is being generated from within the hallowed chambers. It started with allegation­s of false assets declaratio­n and bending of the rules among the leadership of the Senate, the upper house, which has resulted in court trials and steamy sessions in the red chamber with brick-brats being exchanged among Senators. From there the drama moved to the lower house, where three honourable members were accused of indecent behaviour while on a recent trip to the US; a matter which is yet to be cleared up successful­ly. As if this wasn’t enough, now the leadership of the same lower house is being accused of alleged fraud and budget padding, with the honourable members striving to out-do each other in washing their dirty linen in the public space. To top it up, the house decided to go on a long recess, although the slugfest has continued outside the hallowed chambers. Now, with all these happenings in the legislatur­e, who will help the executive and judiciary lift this country out of the present economic, social and religious doldrum? Where are the new laws or pending bills waiting to be passed? Surely a cause for concern…

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