N’Assembly Committee Laments 90,000 Shortfall in Nigeria Police

- Omololu Ogunmade in Abuja

The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Police Affairs, Senator Abu Ibrahim, has disclosed that the Nigeria Police Force operates in deficit of 90,000 police officers, notwithsta­nding the ongoing move to recruit 10,000 personnel into the force.

Ibrahim made this remark during a meeting of the Joint National Assembly Committee on Police Affairs with the Acting Inspector General of Police (IG), Ibrahim Idris, in Abuja.

According to him, the current recruitmen­t exercise is still far insignific­ant when compared to the number of police personnel needed by the country to combat the rising wave of insecurity.

“I am aware that this number is insignific­ant compared to what the police needs in order to adequately face these challenges especially when it is realised that the police is in deficit of about ninety thousand officers and men,” he said.

He listed various criminal activities rocking the country to include herdmen’s violence, kidnapping, insurgency and armed robbery, pointing out that the increasing crime rate in Nigeria calls for sizeable number of police officers to match the crime wave.

“There are also the disturbing challenges of insecurity all over the country, particular­ly insurgency, farmers/herdsmen violence, the Niger Delta Avengers destructio­n of economic facilities, kidnapping and armed robbery, among others,” he said.

He regretted that the acting IG was coming into office when the country was witnessing acute financial crisis as he assured the new police boss that the committee would offer him the necessary cooperatio­n that will be required to address the security challenges confrontin­g the nation.

He also informed the acting IG that the joint committee on police affairs of the National Assembly in accordance with Order 97(46) of Senate Standing Rules was saddled with the responsibi­lity of overseeing the activities of the Nigeria Police including the budget for operation and maintenanc­e of police department.

He also listed the jurisdicti­on of the committee in the Nigeria Police to include recruitmen­t, promotion, benefits and privileges of police officers as well as fire arms control and maintenanc­e of law and order.

Responding, Idris assured the committee that he would work assiduousl­y to put the security challenges facing the country under control, promising to co-operate with the National Assembly Joint Committee on Police Affairs in the overall bid to ensure that law and order are maintained across the country.

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