It’s No Big Deal Being an Actress/Farmer


How will you describe yourself?

I am an actress, a producer and a farmer

What aspect of farming did you specialize­in?

Poultry and piggery. My farm is in Edo State.

Why did you go into acting?

I went into acting for the passion. As a child, each time l talk, I make people laugh. Likewise farming. I set up a farm when I was very young. Then, it was fun, planting and harvesting crops. I also love Entertainm­ent; that is why I’m into it. Whatever will put smiles on the faces of people and make families happy, also makes me happy

How long have you been in the movie industry?

Seven years now.

How will you describe the journey so far?

The first three years were very difficult. I kept going for audition without any possibilit­y of getting a role, but I did not give up. I kept on trying, believing in God all the way, that with God, all things are possible. I however came into limelight in the movie ‘Fight for Passion’ By Magnetic. Right now, I’ve acted in over 20 movies; taking lead and sub-lead roles. I became a producer, a year ago. The first movie I produced is Black Cat Angels, and the second is Ziggi Ziggi.

What is your descriptio­n of the industry?

It’s a nice place, where you meet different people; brilliant and intelligen­t people, some with great potentials, a place with great and bright future. Above all, it’s a place where things happen, lots of entertainm­ent and fun. We have also made tremendous progress in both the quality of films we produce as can be seen in most of our movies and gaining acceptance. Before now, you can find people who don’t watch Nollywood movies. Right now, people take keen interest anywhere Nigerian movies are shown, Either on African magic or on the internet or where ever. In those days, people don’t acknowledg­e us when they see us. When you tell people you are an actress, they see us as never-do-well. Some will even tell us they don’t watch Nigerian films. Right now, the story is different.

How do you combine both careers?

I have people working for me. When I’m not on location, I’m on the farm. Combining both careers for me is very easy. Farming does not prevent anyone from being who they want to be. It is an added advantage to a career. I encourage more people to go into farming.

Tel lusa bit about your background?

I come from Cross River State; from a family of seven and I’m the second child. I lost my father few months ago. I grew up without my folks. Growing up was hectic, very tough, because I was brought up by my guardian. Those who grew up without their parents will understand what I mean by being tough. Not much love. It was a life characteri­zed by hardship and struggles. Then, I thought it was a life of hell. Looking back right now, I’m very grateful to God because those periods had made me who I am today. The challenges have made me a strong woman. Due to these I’m working very hard to ensure that children facing similar challenges will have a life of their own, all these are some of the birthday packages I’m offering as I add another year in a few days ago.

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