To Survive, Newspapers Must Be Innovative, Says Ajibola

After 26 years in newspaper publishing business, Isiaq Ajibola, Co-Founder of Media Trust Limited, publishers of Daily Trust newspaper, documents his experience in his forthcomin­g book, My Newspaper Odyssey. In this interview with Onyebuchi Ezigbo, he spe


You have been in journalism and publishing of Newspaper although you read Economics?

Yes, I read Economics at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, in Kaduna State. I graduated in 1988 and also have an MBA from the same university. I have in addition done other courses and I have worked in the media all my life, starting from 1990 in Lagos with the Just Politics magazine and the Citizen magazine based in Kaduna. From there I moved on to work at the Sentinel magazine which was set up by the late Shehu Musa Yar’Adua. I worked there till the time I co-founded the Media Trust Publishing Company, publishers of Daily Trust in 1996. First at Media Trust, I worked as the pioneer General Manager! I later became the Director of Operations and the Managing Director of the company for eight years. So, I have been in the media for about 26 years now.

What motivated you to venture into media ownership business and co-founding Media Trust?

I was not sure I had the capacity to run the media business alone. I knew my limits in terms of capacity, because it was not just about having the idea but also you needed people with experience and good will and you needed capital. I think a combinatio­n of all these were the reasons why we had to join forces. I think it would have been fool- hardy for one to just set up a media company at that time alone. One of my senior partners, together with who we eventually started the business, Kabiru Yusuf, and who is the current chairman of Media Trust Limited, had tremendous goodwill and I suggested to him that we should form a media company together, to be based in Kaduna. Looking at what was in existence then, the Lagos axis dominated the media business. So Kaduna was a very perfect choice. Yusuf is a gentleman who had a lot of goodwill and experience in the media and he is an experience­d journalist also.

But where did your funding come from at the on-set?

We did not start with a lot of money. It wasn’t money, but ideas that drove the concept. These ideas propelled and sustained the media company for about two years, up till the time when we wanted to start the newspaper publicatio­n and we invited some more people to join us and they invested in it.

So it wasn’t just two of you?

Yes, but we later had more people that invested in the company. We brought in more people with whom we owned the company.

Did you have experience as a journalist before eventually venturing into the business or you just went straight into the business?

You see, I have always loved newspaper business; you would see in the book that I am launching next week, you will see it there that I have always loved newspapers. I had a chance of working in the bank when I graduated in 1988 but I never liked it because I wanted freedom and I wanted the newspaper. So all my life I have never worked outside publishing and media and of course I saw the business opportunit­y in it. One thing you would see in my book is setting up a newspaper purely as a means of welding power; political power. Politician­s set up newspapers to have political power, government set up media to influence the people, but you see the only way any newspaper can survive is if it is set up for the people; for the people to have input in political and economic discussion­s in the country. So it is a platform where people can share ideas. So if you set up your newspaper for that reason it will eventually become a business venture because you are carrying everybody along, everybody is talking, it isn’t owned by one big politician or the government that is holding it and giving you money. So once you do you that you are in business. I think one of the experience­s I have gained in all the newspapers I have worked is that the reason you set up the newspaper matters a lot and if you look at the evolution of newspaper in Nigeria in those days, the pre-independen­t newspapers were dominated by the government and they monopolize­d the business. Daily Times was printing about 500, 000 copies in Lagos, New Nigeria was printing about the same 500, 000 copies in Kaduna, and they were a monopoly. The main reason they were set up was clear, although they were independen­t in terms of editorial policies but then they were government controlled somehow. In those days, independen­t newspapers struggled to survive because a lot of things inhabited their growth: the level of the political economy and the general economic and business opportunit­ies inhibited their growth. But our own was different because we came at a time there was democracy and there was economic boom and the experience was different. But the book tries to look at the evolution of newspapers from around that time, linking it to other businesses and looks at the workings of the newspapers themselves; the relationsh­ip among the department­s; editorial, business and all sorts of things. What should be the ideal way of sharing power and the running these different units in the organizati­on. So the book looks at the newspaper business from the industry point of view and relating my experience in all these newspapers that I have worked.

I know from experience that the book would have also talked about what happened to newspaper business over the years which you are part of. What do you think made the difference between Daily Trust and some other newspapers that haven’t been able to catch up with the tides of the business?

I think it is the people and the system that make the different. The circumstan­ces of any two newspapers, in terms of the orientatio­n of the managers and the management style determine whether the paper would succeed or not. The people you have engaged, are they quality people? Will they compromise? Do they have integrity? Are they people that will compromise your editorial standards and start collecting bribes? I am talking about the journalist­ic point of view now and of course on the operations side also, you must develop a culture whereby there minimal waste and control of cost. Also, you engage people that can deliver results at all time. The people and system you have set up matters. Right now, Daily Trust is an auto pilot system because you can’t do anything without having a basis for doing it; everything has a rule and policy, there is nothing anybody can do without having a basis for doing it. As a Managing Director I couldn’t collect N10,000 from the account department without a need for it. When we were building this system it was difficult, some of them we did unconsciou­sly, it took almost 10 years before we could actually articulate them to becoming our system. So, now we have policy on business, we have policy on marketing, we have policy on advertisin­g, we have policy on editorial, manner of account, manner of audit and all that. It took us a long time, we didn’t start with all those things, it took us some time before we got it right and articulate­d them into a document. Of course I am not saying they are not subject to change, of course they are, but that was the system. Essentiall­y, the difference between a newspaper that is making it and the newspaper that isn’t are two; the people and the system.

Daily Trust came to fill the gap in media presence in the North. Do you think that really helped Daily Trust?

There was a business of opportunit­y and Daily Trust took advantage of it. I am not saying Daily Trust was set up purely for business but also it is one of the reasons why it was set up. We found a need and we fulfilled it. There is something we call the anaphase principle in management. There were so many newspapers in the South and none in the North, and people came together and said let us set up one. I think it was a smart move but like I said it was also a time when the country really needed more newspaper. But many people didn’t take up the opportunit­y. This was during Gen Sani Abacha’s military regime, many people didn’t want to have anything to do with him, and there was a serious clamor for democracy. Certainly it was a time people needed to talk whether you were from the North or the South. People needed platforms where they could talk and express their views and clamor for democracy. It coincided with that time so it was a big opportunit­y for the paper to be accepted by majority of the people, not just people of the North but also people of the South.

Did you benefit from patronages from State government­s and politician­s?

Of course everyone was our customer; government, individual­s essentiall­y from the North and also from the South.

But did such patronages influence the paper’s editorial policy?

No it didn’t! That is another thing about Daily Trust. The editorial policy is such that nobody can influence the decision of the paper, it was impossible. Right from day one, there were times when politician­s wanted to influence stories and we didn’t allow that to happen. We had a stiff policy against political influence or any influence whatsoever from any quarter. Editorial independen­ce is one of the cover notes of the company and of course that is one of the reasons that made the newspaper to succeed.

Welfare of journalist­s in the media industry has been a very touchy issue and one which most media organisati­ons have been found wanting. How has Daily Trust been able to deal with this?

I have talked about that before I don’t want to dwell so much on that. I think we should focus more on my book. I have talked about the situation in the past. I know in the past the newspaper I worked we never had problems with things like this. I wouldn’t know the circumstan­ces of other newspapers because the circumstan­ces might be different and I won’t know why they are not paying but in the case of Daily Trust where I worked we never had problems of paying salaries, we paid on the 25th of the month but the circumstan­ces of others maybe different like I said.

Why did you decide to retire from the company at this stage?

It has been our policy from the beginning that we; the founders at some point are going to have to leave the stage for new set of managers. We did that for 20 years and we thought that those that found the paper should leave the paper today. Just like I am sure you know the story of GT bank. Fola Adeola was the Managing Director and he left at some point probably his age was younger than mine. There is what we call succession planning. For serious organisati­ons, who take succession planning seriously, I think it happens.

You see, I have always loved newspaper business; you would see in the book that I am launching next week, you will see it there that I have always loved newspapers. I had a chance of working in the bank when I graduated in 1988 but I never liked it because I wanted freedom and I wanted the newspaper. So all my life I have never worked outside publishing and media and of course I saw the business opportunit­y in it

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