CAN Urges NASS to Reject Expansion of Sharia Court to Criminal Matters

- SenatorIro­egbu inAbuja

The Christian Associatio­n of Nigeria (CAN) FCT Chapter, have called on the National Assembly (NASS) to reject the ongoing attempt to amend the Constituti­on of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999, by expanding the scope of the powers of the Sharia Court of Appeal to include criminal jurisdicti­on.

The FCT CAN in a statement issued yesterday under the aegis of Concerned Christians Citizens of Nigeria, urged the Federal House of Representa­tives to cease from entertaini­ng the Bill tagged “The Constituti­on of the Federal Republic of Nigeria [Alteration] Bill 2016” sponsored by Hon. Abdullahi Balarabe Salame (APC Sokoto State), seeking for the amendment of sections 262[1], 262[2] and 277[1] and the deletion of section 277[2] of the 1999 Constituti­on.

"Our demand, therefore, is that the proposed Bill, which is self-serving and divisive, should outrightly be rejected. Any further attempt by the National Assembly to enact the Bill into law would further polarise the Nigerian nation along religious lines. This should be avoided by all means.

"We therefore, urge all Nigerians who have the interest of this country at heart to denounce this Bill for the sake of the unity, peace, progress, and prosperity of our dear country," CAN demanded.

The concerned Christians noted that the Bill went through first reading and second reading in the House of Representa­tives without any debate before it was referred to the Ad Hoc Committee on Constituti­on Review.

They also gave a historical perspectiv­e in various attempts to smuggle Sharia law into the overall Nigerian legal jurisdicti­on with damning consequenc­es for the citizens of other faith, particular­ly Christiani­ty and traditiona­l religions.

The group recalled that before the Second Republic, some Muslim citizens started the agitation for the full implementa­tion of the Sharia law in Nigeria.

Part of the statement read: "The heated debates in the 1978 Constituen­t Assembly over the insertion of certain provisions relating to the 1979 Constituti­on are still fresh in our memories.

As a compromise, Sharia Personal Law, i.e., without the criminal aspects, was allowed to be included in the 1979 Constituti­on. It is clear from the relevant provisions of the 1979 Constituti­on that Sharia Personal Law was intended to apply strictly to Muslims in resolving their family and personal matters, such as inheritanc­e, marriages, etc.

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