Dissent of the Depressed

On Monday, the economical­ly distressed masses of Nigeria – home and abroad – took to the streets to protest the failure of the President Muhammadu Buhari administra­tion to effectivel­y tackle the excruciati­ng living conditions in the country. Gboyega Akins


On March 31, 2015, President Muhammadu Buhari was declared winner of the 2015 presidenti­al election. For many Nigerians, it was as if a saviour had come. Three reasons explained Buhari’s messianic perception. First, the former President Goodluck Jonathan administra­tion had incurred public disapprova­l due to its failure to defeat the Boko Haram insurgency and rescue the abducted Chibok girls. Similarly, the Jonathan administra­tion had become synonymous with corruption and impunity, which former chairman of National Human Rights Commission, Dr. Chidi Odinkalu, said was then a huge national burden. Besides, Nigeria was then plagued by acute infrastruc­ture deficit, especially in the oil, power and transport sectors, which many citizens believed Jonathan lacked the political will to resolve.


But 20 months after Jonathan relinquish­ed power, Buhari’s public approval has dropped significan­tly owing to his failing to address the deepening economic crisis for which the previous administra­tion incurred the wrath of the masses. Like the 2012 protests, Nigerians came out last week from Oyo to Abuja, Osun to Enugu, Delta to Kano and Lagos to London, among other places, to protest against what they perceived to be the administra­tion’s misgoverna­ce that caused so much hunger and penury among the masses.

Expectedly, the Nigeria Police banned the #IStandWith­Nigeria protest just after a hip-hop star, Mr. Innocent Idibia, unveiled his plan to lead a nationwide protest on February 5. Citing threat to his life, Idibia dropped the plan about 24 hours to the protest. But Idibia’s decision did not stop civil society groups – Enough is Enough and One Voice Nigeria – from embarking on the nationwide protest.

Emboldened by sections 39 and 40 of the 1999 Constituti­on, Nigerians from all walks of life defied the police order and took to the streets to protest poor governance and the economic policies of the federal government. Despite extensive public approval Buhari enjoyed before and after his election, the groups believed the Buhari administra­tion had failed to fulfill electoral promises he made to Nigerians.


For the ruling All Progressiv­es Congress, however, there was no reason for the protests. But credible economic indices tend to justify the decision of the masses to protest what they described as the failure of the ruling party to bring about change 20 months after it came to power. Rather than evolving pro-people policies, they alleged, the government kept blaming the previous administra­tions.

But at the time Buhari assumed office, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria did not enter into recession until the first quarter of 2016. But the economy had shrunk repeatedly since Buhari took charge. Its growth slowed down by 2.84 per cent in the third quarter of 2015 and by 2.11 per cent in the last quarter of the same year. By the first quarter of 2016, it slid by 0.36 per cent.

Effectivel­y, in the second quarter of 2016, Nigeria entered into recession with a 2.06 per cent contractio­n. Similarly, an NBS report showed that the country’s national economy further contracted by 2.24 per cent in the third quarter of 2016. Given the unabated foreign exchange crisis, there are fears that the economic conditions may become worse.

Since Nigeria slid into economic recession mid-2016, its story has not largely been the same. From 9.6 per cent in January 2016, the NBS reported, inflation rose to 18.55 per cent by December 2016. Likewise, unemployme­nt surged to 13.9 per cent largely due to record job losses and relocation of some companies, which economists ascribed to the economic policies of the Buhari administra­tion.

Food prices rose by at least 75 per cent, though it differed state by state. Also, the civil society groups claimed the cost of living “is already unbearable under the Buhari administra­tion.” Likewise, according to the NBS, the country’s foreign direct investment­s fell by 53 per cent in 2016. By inference, the fall suggests a loss of investors’ confidence in the country.

Failed Promises

For Nigerians, the Buhari administra­tion is another case of failed promises, which Odinkalu argued, had become “recurrent in the last 60 years of our statehood.” One after the other, Odinkalu explained the failure of the previous administra­tions to ensure stable power supply, revamp decrepit infrastruc­ture, create opportunit­ies for the youths and end the regime of corruption and impunity.

Odinkalu cited the failure of Buhari to fight dispassion­ately and fearlessly. He said the Buhari administra­tion came into power to fight corruption. Yet, he said next to the president “is the man now known as the Grass Cutter General of the Federation. Nothing has been done about the Secretary to Government of the Federation, Mr. Babachir Lawal. Fire the SGF! Fire the grass cutter!!”

He explained, “It was because he promised a lot. Then, Buhari got into power and he has never addressed us. When he wants to talk to us, he gets into a plane; travels abroad and starts gossiping about us. Are we so useless that our president cannot address us? Are we so idiotic that our president cannot tell us that things are hard?”

Odinkalu pointed out a statement the Minister of Works, Power and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, made before the 2015 elections. Fashola had then said a serious administra­tion could fix power within six months. But after 20 months in office, Odinkalu said there “is still darkness in the land. Poverty is getting worse. We cannot buy bread. We cannot buy food. And we cannot find jobs.”

For Nigerians, also, the protest was no doubt a testament to the public disapprova­l of the Buhari administra­tion and the ruling party. In Lagos, for instance, the national coordinato­r of Human Rights Writers Associatio­n of Nigeria, Mr. Emmanuel Onwubiko, said the protest was an excellent expression of the people’s determinat­ion “to change a system that is not working.”

Onwubiko lamented the failing economy, which he said, had been unduly regulated. He decried the dysfunctio­nal political climate, which he believed, “has not been working. Nigerians, no matter how little they are in number, have come out to be heard by the government and tell it that enough is enough.” He presented major demands, which he said, formed the core reasons for the protest.

As Onwubiko put it, the demands are, “We want transparen­cy in governance. We want to know how much the states are getting. We want to know what happened to the bailout funds. We want to know how much the Federal Inland Revenue Service is collecting. We want to know how much the Nigeria Customs Service made. We want to know how much the Nigeria National Petroleum Company is making. And we want to know how our government is spending it.”

Likewise, a leading actor for the Bring Back Our Girls Group, Mrs. Aisha Yesufu, said the purpose of the protest was “to demand for good governance. Citizens are tired of the state of affairs in the country. A lot of people are hungry.” In Ibadan, the labour groups, student bodies and civil society groups catalogued the woes of the suffering masses and demanded good governance.


APC national leader, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, admitted the harsh economic conditions, which he acknowledg­ed the people “are currently facing in all parts of the country.” However, Tinubu defended the Buhari administra­tion. He pointed out that the damage of the last 18 years “cannot be fixed or reversed overnight. Protests will not solve the problems our people are facing.”

(See the concluding part on www.thisdayliv­

 ??  ?? Nigerians protesting against economic hardship on the street Lagos
Nigerians protesting against economic hardship on the street Lagos

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