From Wedlock to War... Estranged Celebrity Couple, Toke Makinwa and Maje Ayida, Strap Up for War

The plot thickens as estranged husband seek legal redress against talkshow hostess over ‘defamatory’ memoir


For Toke Makinwa and Maje Ayida, the sweet music of their love turned sour in record time, like the stale juice of pierced grapes left for too long in the sun. Soon after Toke, a celebrity talk show hostess, and Maje, a fitness coach, called it quits with their marriage, discordant tunes continue to waft from both divides of the separated parties. And the reason is not far- fetched; in a very controvers­ial tellit- all memoir, Toke recently accused her ex- husband of infidelity, blaming him for giving her an STD. In response, Maje requested that she stopped the sale and promotion of the book. The memoir which is titled: ‘ On Becoming,’ details the topsy- turvy relationsh­ip between the two. Ayida made the request via a “Letter of demand,” written by his lawyers. The letter was allegedly sent last year, but it was not clear if Toke acknowledg­ed its receipt. It will be recalled that Toke launched the book at a star- studded event last November, in Lagos. Predictabl­y, Maje was angry by her portrayal of him in the book, and he hired law firms in the UK and Nigeria to stop its circulatio­n. Maje’s counsel are CarterRuck, a UK law firm that also represents top figures like Simon Cowell, Elton John and Chelsea FC; and Kemi Pinheiro of Pinheiro LP who is heading the legal front in Nigeria. Maje had “requested legal separation” from Makinwa “within 6 months” of their marriage in January 2014 “when it became clear that the marriage was breaking down.” Toke was also alleged to have signed a legal separation agreement in July 2014. The letter said it was well- documented that the couple had agreed to separate by July 2014, which the book failed to record. In the book, Toke accused her former husband of giving her STDs by being a serial cheat and adulterer. But the legal documents described the book as nothing but an “exaggerate­d fabricatio­n” containing “defamatory words.” Maje therefore, asked Toke to retrieve the already- sold books, stop all forms of distributi­on and deliver same at a place to be agreed upon by him for destructio­n. He said her failure to do so and tender a full page unreserved apology to him in three national dailies “will result in the commenceme­nt of legal action.” But Toke has called his bluff by launching the book in Ghana while planning to launch it in London during the summer holidays.

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Toke Makinwa and Maje Ayida

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