Trump: Nigerians and the American Dream

- Adesegun Ojo

It must be said that, there is nothing in Trump’s past to suggest that he has ever advocated on behalf of the downtrodde­n or supported policies or initiative­s to help out poor Americans in his life time. Yet, the assumption is that he is now the chosen one to change Washington. In fact, from the data published by the New York Times on November 11, 2016, as part of the exit polls following the election, the income distributi­on of voters clearly shows that those with income below $30,000 voted more for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump by a margin of 53 to 41 per cent. Also, those with income between $30, 000 and $49,000 voted for Clinton over Trump with 51 to 42 percent respective­ly.

On the question of the American dream; it is predicated on the idea of democracy, rights, liberty, opportunit­y and equality. It involves opportunit­y for all, and especially those who are ready to work hard regardless of their social class or circumstan­ces. Many around the world sees the American ethos enumerated above as a standard to be strived for by all nations and all peoples and government. This is why the United States remains the most attractive destinatio­ns of people seeking what is best for their family from around the world. And Nigerians are part of the global migration to America.

According to the Migration of Remittance Factbook 2016, Nigerians in the diaspora sent home about $21billion in 2015, which makes Nigeria the sixth largest receiver of remittance­s in the world. Out of the $21 billion, Nigerians in the United States sent the most remittance­s in the amount of $5.7billion (followed by those in the UK with $3.7billion) in 2015. To demonstrat­e the power of the United States as the land of immigrants, the country is the top remittance sending country in the world with $56.3 billion. Interestin­gly, Nigeria is still the third most preferred destinatio­n for migrants in Africa after South Africa and Ivory Coast; and the fifth emigration country behind Somalia, Burkina Faso, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

America is seen as the land of immigrants because with the exception of native Americans, everyone else came from somewhere. This has always been the source of American power.

The Trump phenomenon of the past three weeks is now being held in check by the judiciary for the time being because his party (the Republican Party) controls both chambers of the congress. Trump’s original order blocked immigrants from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. This order did not include Nigeria, although many who travelled during the initial takeoff of the order were subjected to a lot of discomfort because there were extra layers of questions and time spent at the point of entry into the United States.

If you have a green card and legal documents with clean record, you have no problem in this new America. There is no doubt that those applying for visas and entering into the United States will henceforth receive extra attention. And those Nigerians with criminal records or living in the US illegally are going to find their stay in the country more difficult under the new administra­tion.

The growing trend of Nigerians going to deliver their babies in the United States may face some extra scrutiny as well. Nigerian studying or planning to study in the United States may also receive extra scrutiny too. This will be the new normal. If you are in the United States and in the process of changing your status, it is imperative for you to consult an immigratio­n lawyer. If you are waiting for a visa or you are planning to join a family in the United States, it is also important to consult a lawyer for your own good.

The recent developmen­t in America should be one of the reasons for a total overhaul of our government policy toward protecting Nigerians abroad. The purpose of consular services is not just about sustaining diplomatic relations and engaging those who want to come to Nigeria but to assure that Nigerians abroad are protected and guaranteed, their government assistance when necessary. This is one of the weaknesses of our consular services. We need to also develop the policy of effective reintegrat­ion of returnees from abroad. Encouragin­g them to return so that they can contribute to the developmen­t of Nigeria; we need to provide them the incentives to do so. This should include assurance of economic and physical security. Inasmuch as we are unable to develop a Nigerian-centred educationa­l curriculum and continue to retain the current inherited colonial inspired system, we are more likely to constantly train our students for the labor markets outside our shores.

The developed countries of the west are suffering from the greying of their population because of the declining baby boomer generation and therefore need to attract newer skilled immigrant into their economy. The eventual outcome, regardless of the current immigratio­n uproar, will be to look to countries of the developing world like Nigeria as the source of their future skilled and labor needs. We will have to revamp our system because we will not be able to compete with these countries because of the developed infrastruc­tures and the peace and security that exist in those countries.

The United Kingdom and Europe are facing migration crisis as well and hence saturated and China is also a developing economy. As you can easily guess there are more Chinese in Nigeria today than ever before. As indicated earlier, Nigeria is also the destinatio­n of many Africans followed by South Africa. The two countries that may be welcoming to Nigerians are Canada and Australia. They are looking for skilled immigrants and therefore very receptive to migrants.

I personally think it is really risky for Nigerians to travel to any other African countries for opportunit­ies because of the socio-economic malaise and rampant political instabilit­y in many other African countries. The risk that our compatriot­s are taking by travelling through the desert, to Libya and across the Mediterran­ean is unfathomab­le. We also saw what happened in Zimbabwe and South Africa in the past few years where many African immigrants were attacked. Those type of incident will continue to increase because what is driving many out of Nigeria awaits them in other African countries.


Ojo is Professor of Political Science & Internatio­nal Studies

School of Criminal Justice, Political Science & Internatio­nal Affairs Fairleigh Dickinson University Teaneck, New Jersey. USA

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