Abuja Airport Runway Repairs 96% Completed


The Minister of State, Aviation, Mr. Hadi Sirika, has said the repair of Nnamdi Azikiwe Internatio­nal Airport, Abuja, runway has attained 96 per cent completion.

Sirika stated this when he visited the site yesterday, one week ahead the proposed reopening of the airport.

He said the work which commenced from runway 04 had progressed to runway 22, adding the laying of asphalt had been completed.

“You can see that where we are is runway 22 and remember the work started from runway 04 and has ended at runway 22.

“You can see that we have finished ashpalting and we are at 96 per cent completion level of the runway.

“What remains is a part of the airfield lighting and the markings which are being done simultaneo­usly,” he stated.

The minister, however,

explained that the runway had some undulating surfaces earlier but had has been reduced significan­tly to near-even level.

The minister, according to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN),

added that the camber for draining rainwater had been improved upon to stop the runway from retaining water as was the situation before the rehabilita­tion.

“We’ve got about a week to the due date for opening so we are on schedule,” he assured.

Sirika debunked insinuatio­n that the airport would be run for only 12 hours after reopening, assuring that it would not be shut after reopening on April 19.

The airport was for six weeks from March 8 for rehabilita­tion of its failed runway and air travel operations were diverted to Kaduna airport during the period.

Kaduna airport has been experienci­ng heavy traffic since then.

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