CodeLagos: Govt Trains Master Trainers


Peace Obi

In a bid to make available the necessary resources for the smooth take off of the CodeLagos initiative, which will be launched later this month, the Lagos State Government recently commenced a three-day training for 100 master trainers who will in turn train over 1,000 facilitato­rs needed for the project.

Briefing journalist­s in Lagos recently, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Education, Mr. Obafela Bank-Olemoh, said the trainees who were selected after a rigorous process that started in March would serve as master trainers for CodeLagos facilitato­rs. “These master trainers will go on to train over 1,000 facilitato­rs who will eventually be deployed to different coding centres across the state. In this way, CodeLagos will create employment and business opportunit­ies for Lagosians in the technology sector.”

Acknowledg­ing the contributi­ons of the private sector in the project, Bank-Olemoh, who thanked ARM that has committed to setting up 15 centres, also announced the coming on board of some new partners like Pricewater­houseCoope­rs, SystemSpec­s, Etisalat, Oando Foundation and Oracle Academy, among others. He said they will be setting up clusters of coding centres, adding, “CodeLagos will be officially launched this April with a roll out of coding centers across 350 public and private schools, as well as public libraries across the state.”

In his remarks, the Executive Director of SystemSpec­s Limited, Mr. ‘Deremi Atanda, expressed the continued commitment of the organisati­on to support the initiative. “The greatest asset of a state like Lagos is the growing youth population. The choice to empower them is the wisest decision the state has made, thus laying a good foundation for the emerging knowledge economy. We are convinced that CodeLagos will do just that.” The Commission­er for Science and Technology, Mr. Femi Odubiyi, also reiterated the state government’s commitment to developing a tech-driven economy.

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