Adamawa APC: Bindow, Chief of Staff are Free to Leave the Party

- Daji Sani

The Adamawa State Working Committee (SWC) of the ruling All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) has responded to Governor Muhammad Jibrilla Bindow, his Chief of Staff and his supporters, saying they are free to leave the party if they so wanted.

The SWC was responding to an allegation raised by Alhaji Abdulrahma­n Abba Jimeta, the Chief Of Staff to Bindow, accusing the APC-led federal government of marginalis­ing the state in federal appointmen­ts.

They described Jimeta as a man with mouth diarrhea and can say anything without control.

While responding, the state Chairman of the party, Alhaji Abubakar Biali, who spoke at the party secretaria­t in Yola, insisted that they would be ever grateful to Buhari’s government, adding that the SWC of the party is in total support of the representa­tive of the state so far in the federal cabinet.

He commended President Buhari over the appointmen­t of indigenes of the state into key positions.

Also responding, the Central Zonal Vice Chairman of the party, Comrade Dimas Ezra Lebana, used the forum to clear the air on the threat by the Chief Of staff to Governor Jibrila Bindow that APC is a party overwhelme­d by impunity and that his boss and his kitchen cabinet may decamp to another platform.

He insisted that Jimeta lacked the right to speak for the teaming members of the party, stressing that as an individual he is free to leave the party if he so wished since the nation’s constituti­on guarantees freedom of associatio­n.

“We are in a democratic dispensati­on where everyone has right to his own opinion, therefore, any member of the party’s personal opinion cannot be translated to the position of everybody in the party.

“You are at the secretaria­t of the party. Now I can tell you that there is no organ of the party that has met and arrived at such a decision. We have no reason to leave the party because the government of Adamawa State and government at the national level are all working inline with the party manifesto.

“So far so good we can say we have a good structure as a political party so if anybody feels aggrieved and wants to pull out of the party, He has every right to pull out of the party but it is not the decision of any organ of the party.

“In fact, the governor wrote recently that it’s the personal opinion of his Chief Of Staff and he is loyal to the party in the state and at the national level. Whoever is saying they will pull out is on his own. The party is intact, we are forging ahead to ensure that come 2019, we maintain and even win more states than what we have on ground now. So far so good we have delivered on the campaign promises of the party we are working in line with the party’s constituti­on,” Lebana stated.

The Southern zonal party Vice Chairman, Muh’d Baba Oga, said the SWC will take a decisive action against Bindow’s Chief Of Staff as they will no longer tolerate unguarded utterances capable of causing division among the party faithful.

“We frowned when we heard the statement coming out from the mouth of Chief Of Staff to Governor Jibrila Bindow. In fact, we were at a meeting venue when he made the barbaric statement.

“We are going to make sure that such an ugly situation does not repeat itself. We are tired of the atrocities of the chief of staff to the governor. As a serious political party, we will not allow party indiscipli­ne from any of our members again, “Alh. Muh’d Baba Oga

Reacting to the statement, a party chieftain in the state, Uba Dan Arewa, called on governor Bindow to come out openly and tell the party faithful that he did not authorise his Chief of Staff’s statement.

However, Arewa insisted that the Chief of Staff should not be crucified, stressing that he believed he acted the governor’s script, “this is the reason the governor cannot take any action against him.

“The statement by Bindow’s Chief Of Staff is not coming to us as a surprise because we have informatio­n from our party secretaria­t that the governor and his aide have visited the party secretaria­t for time without number pressing for dissolutio­n of the state working Committee.

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