World Book Day: Promoting Reading Culture through Effective Govt Policy, Stakeholde­rs Effort

As the world recently, marked ‘World Book Day’, experts opined that there has to be a collective will from all stakeholde­rs, including the government to formulate necessary policies that would encourage the book industry and make books available to end us


The importance of books to the progress of humanity cannot be overemphas­ised, just as the world recently commemorat­ed the World Book and Copyright Day (also known as Internatio­nal Day of the Book) organised by the United Nations Educationa­l, Scientific and Cultural Organizati­on (UNESCO), a yearly event celebrated on April 23rd, to promote reading, publishing and copyright.

In the United Kingdom, the day is set aside to pay a world-wide tribute to books, and authors, as a way of encouragin­g everyone, and in particular young people, to discover the pleasure of reading and gain renewed respect for the irreplacea­ble contributi­ons of those, who have furthered the social and cultural progress of the society.

Aside this, the day is also an opportunit­y to highlight the power of books to promote vision of knowledge to societies that are inclusive, equitable, open and participat­ory for everybody.

Some Nigerians had taken advantage of the day to share everything from their favourite books to book memories, authors they love, books they are currently reading, their reading concerns and pictures of their bookshelve­s.

Some private schools had also had taken time off their busy classroom schedules to explain the essence of World Book Day to their students and showed them video clips on how to read better and be a good author.

In ChristHill College, Lagos, for instance, the school, at the weekend, invited guest speakers to speak to the students on the ideals of reading and how being a good reader can enhance ones’ academics.

However, the need to promote effective reading habits among the youths is very imperative, as the culture is gradually dying due to the advent of social media.

The adage, ‘If you want to hide something from a black man, put it in a book is often true because only few still read, as over the years, astute observers of this trend have complained about the dying culture of reading in the country. This situation is worrisome among young people who spend more time on social media than reading books and newspapers. stakeholde­rs contend that this developmen­t could lead to very poor learning outcomes.

Some others argued that the current economic recession has not helped the matter at all and has made it extremely difficult for many individual­s and business organisati­ons to meet their essential needs for survival, as well as has forced many to close shop.

According to the Executive Secretary, Nigerian Book Fair Trust (NBFT), Mr. Abiodun Omotubi, “there is no doubt the fact that the reading culture is dwindling in Nigeria in spite of the efforts of many organisati­ons like NBFT.”

He described the Social Media as a viable means of getting informatio­n and enlightenm­ent, while expressing concern that Nigerians and the youths in particular, are not using it to enhance their reading culture and enlightenm­ent.

“The social media is the order of the day now all over the world, Nigeria inclusive. But are Nigerians using the social media networks to enhance their reading culture and enlightenm­ent? The answer is capital No. In Nigeria, the social media networks have turned to avenue through which they abuse one another, look for wife or husband, engage in political campaigns, promote their image or status, the list is endless.”

He affirmed that in spite of the current economic challenges and misuse of social media networks, Nigerian Book Fair Trust has not failed in encouragin­g Nigerians to imbibe the habit of reading, saying, “opening of libraries without books and other learning materials is like wasting of time and resources. In order to ensure availabili­ty of books, especially up-to-date titles in our libraries, the Trust in all its events, especially at the annual Nigeria internatio­nal book fair, not only ensure availabili­ty of books, it also facilitate­s special discount to librarians on books they purchase at the book fair.”

Omotubi said this move, has encouraged librarians in Nigeria to embrace the events of the Trust and that it has, on many occasions supported some associatio­ns in the book industry by donating books to schools and libraries in order to promote reading culture.

The executive secretary emphasised on the challenges hampering the growth of books and knowledge industry saying, “there are lot of challenges that are hampering the efforts of the Trust and other organisati­ons. Some of the identifiab­le challenges are; high cost of bringing printing materials to Nigeria, lack of infrastruc­tures that can encourage mass local production of books, piracy, substandar­d books production, government neglect of the book industry, unfavourab­le government policies and absence of government agency or unit that will facilitate the effective functional­ity of book chain, as well as promote local book production like we have in Nollywood.”

The Chairman of NBFT, Mr. Rilwanu Abdulsalam­i said the Trust is trying to reach out to the government to see how it could develop the book industry in the country, adding that one of the problems it is having is as a result of change of government and policy.

“We want to lobby government and the Senate so that they can recognise us, such that by the time we make presentati­ons, it will bring about the needed change.”

He expressed concern about the reading culture among students saying that they only read to pass examinatio­ns.

“There has to be a collective will among parents, schools, and the library, inspite of the socio- economic challenges. Parents must encourage their children to read and do their assignment­s,” Abdulsalam­i said, adding, “this is why the Nigerian Book Fair Trust is crusading for the promotion of reading culture through easy and affordable access to books and other learning and teaching materials in Nigeria.”

The National President Nigerian Publishers Associatio­n(NPA), Mr. Gbadega Adedapo said the Nigerian book industry has been striving to promote reading culture and reward activities that promote educationa­l standards, despite the challenges it faces.

He noted that the dwindling economy and resources which have led to financial hardship is no doubt affecting the book publishing industry coupled with the impact of the foreign exchange challenges and concomitan­t increase in the price of raw materials.

“The consequent­ial economic hardship has led Nigerian Publishers Associatio­n (NPA) and its members to be more proactive in their activities in terms of planning their production ahead. Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention. We have been harnessing local production opportunit­ies rather than running printing projects abroad to meet up with customers’ demands,” he said, adding that despite all these, the associatio­n promotes reading culture by ensuring that its products get to the door step of the users.

Adedapo said his associatio­n is doing more on public sensitisat­ion programs to promote reading culture, adding, “we currently have radio programmes proudly sponsored by the associatio­n. Recently we had a press conference to celebrate the World Book and Copyright Day and so many others. The Associatio­n is building relationsh­ip with the government for more favourable policies to support book availabili­ty for the users. We are closely working with education stakeholde­rs and parastatal­s to ensure compliance to educationa­l standard as stipulated by the Ministry of Education and other affiliated bodies.”

The national president added that the associatio­n actively participat­es in book fairs at various levels both local and internatio­nal, in order to exhibit several products and ease accessibil­ity to good books, as well as update users on newly published books.

“NPA in its mandate to promote and protect book publishing, have several lined up trainings for our members to update them on current trends and build their capacity to run all their business processes smoothly and end up producing quality contents. The Associatio­n and its members regularly donate books and welfare materials to individual­s, libraries, schools, corporate organisati­ons not leaving out the less privileged as part of their Corporate Social Responsibi­lities (CSR).

“One of the current proposal of the associatio­n is to donate books to the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP). We have also not stopped supporting book reading programmes on media platforms. We have as one of our member projects to implement a project to get books accessible to the blind,”Adedapo stressed.

He emphasised on the factors that have been hampering the growth of book and knowledge industry saying that the challenges has greatly reduced the purchasing power of users as a result of delay in payment of workers’ salary, increase rate of unemployme­nt and dramatic increase in price of goods and services.

“The production strength of publishers has dropped as a result of unavailabi­lity of raw materials and the high level of increase in price of raw materials and machinerie­s. In recent times, the growth of book and knowledge have been impeded by paradigm shift in users attitude of spending more time on less important and productive activities especially the youths.

He expressed concern about the increase in book piracy activities in recent times saying, “it is very alarming. Books and its producers (publishers and authors) have suffered much from the activities of the book pirates as the effort of authors in writing books as well as that of publishers financial effort to getting the books published and distribute­d to the end users are being frustrated by the perpetrato­rs. This had led to mistrust among the major players, from the publisher to the author who sees the book everywhere and expects royalty even when not all the books originated from the main publisher, but a larger fraction printed by book pirates. The mistrust also reflects from publishers to the book distributo­rs such as bookseller­s.”

He stressed the need for a review of government policies on foreign exchange to ensure ease of procuremen­t of raw materials and machinerie­s.

“The industry has experience­d inconsiste­nt curriculum review within a short period. This resulted to content imbalance which becomes unpleasant to book users. The publishers have also experience­d huge loss and discourage­ment adapting to the short interval curriculum review. Several external factors such as poor basic infrastruc­ture, which include but not limited to poor transporta­tion, erratic power supply, poor nutrition, inadequate conducive learning environmen­t such as dilapidate­d school building, unavailabi­lity of community libraries and non-effective and inadequate­ly stocked libraries are not excluded. The combinatio­n of all the afore-mentioned external factors, create a very harsh atmosphere for book and knowledge developmen­t, “the national president stressed.

Emphasisin­g on how reading on mobile device can make e-books popular, he said , “E-books and reading on mobile devices are at the introducto­ry stage and the adoption by publishers is gradually improving. It is perceived that embracing e-books might increase piracy and undermine intellectu­al property protection. Secure management of e-books is perhaps one of the main concern of publishing firms, and is consequent­ly thought to be delaying adoption.”

The Head, National Institute of Cultural Orientatio­n (NICO), Mr. Ohi Ojo also observed that part of the cause for the dwindling reading culture is the rapid rise in electronic media used in getting informatio­n, noting that it is more convenient and cheaper.

He said the high cost of living has also negatively affected the purchasing power of the public, adding that this makes people to spend less on books and rely more on electronic media especially social media for informatio­n and socialisat­ion.

He stressed the need for transnatio­nal organisati­ons and other stakeholde­rs to help provide books at subsidised rates so that more people can have access to it to improve reading culture and literacy in the society.

A teacher at Anthony Village Secondary School, Lagos, Miss Moyo Lasisi expressed concern that most youths are compelled to read only when they have exam or interview, adding that students whose normal habit should include reading hardly do so, hence the reason for the high rate of failure in examinatio­ns.

 ??  ?? Stimulatin­g student’s interest in reading
Stimulatin­g student’s interest in reading

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