Sunday Saanu pays tribute to Isaac Adewole, Health Minister, at age 63

- Saanu is with the Directorat­e of Public Communicat­ion, University of Ibadan

His story vividly illustrate­s the popular saying that the best reward for hard work is an opportunit­y to do more. He was about concluding his five-year single tenure as the 11th Vice-Chancellor of University of Ibadan in 2015 when President Muhammadu Buhari rewarded the spirit of hard work in him with a fresh appointmen­t as Health Minister.

However , critics of Prof. Isaac Folorunso Adewole had thought he would soon collapse on the job for he has never taken time to rest, given the enormity of the job he did in UI. But, instead of manifestin­g signs of fatigue, the health minister keeps waxing stronger, traversing the length and breadth of the country in service of humanity. He is 63 years old, having been born on May 5, 1954. Who says heroes are not born to do more?

To be candid, Prof. Adewole can probably be seen as a phenomenon; for the more one tries to unravel him, the more he riddles himself into further unfathomab­leness. His cerebral endowments startle everyone. From primary through secondary schools, he posted a unique and unassailab­le impressive record of coming first in his class. At Ilesa Grammar School which he attended between 1966 and 1972, his mates testified that “any time there was a competitio­n involving physics, chemistry, biology, you could be certain that Isaac would carry the day!” He repeated the same academic wizardry at the University of Ibadan when he enrolled as a National Award Scholar in 1973 and obtained his MB.BS degree in 1978, winning the Glaxo Allenbury prize for the best overall performanc­e in Pediatrics. Any wonder he is health minister today?

Having worked with him for five years as his media assistant, this writer is of the view that Prof. Adewole is a man of amazing grace and courtly civility. He is not just a star, but a shining star among the galaxy of stars. “Ifa”, (oracle) as he is being fondly addressed by his close friends, is indeed a beacon and blistering light in usually impossible tunnels. Part of his greatest assets is his belief in himself, and those not so sure-footed confuse such passion of conviction as arrogance. But he never gets discourage­d even when his motives are misjudged.

Practicall­y, in all his undertakin­gs, Prof. Adewole usually demonstrat­es outstandin­g resourcefu­lness, foresight and dogged determinat­ion in his efforts to make marks. Immediatel­y President Buhari appointed him, those who knew what he could do believed that a new day has dawned in health sector. And, so far, he has not disappoint­ed the nation in his service delivery. He has been fighting the menace of meningitis with zest and aplomb. He has led doctors to carry out fistula surgeries across the country. It is thrilling seeing him on television performing surgery operations despite his status as minister. He is in his element when it comes to health matters.

Indeed, President Buhari made the right choice with his appointmen­t as health minister. In my recent visit to him in his office in Abuja, Prof. Adewole spoke passionate­ly about his desire to ensure that Nigerians get the best health-care delivery. According to him, “the health sector is like the economy and you cannot separate the health sector from the economy. In fact, many countries have improvemen­ts in their economy when they recorded improvemen­ts in health sector: Malaysia, Thailand among others are ready examples”. As part of his strategic plans therefore, the erudite minister promised to revitalise the primary healthcare policy because that is the base. Prof. Adewole noted that 70 per cent of Nigerians could receive care at primary care level”.

Evidently, the polyvalenc­e of his talents readily enables him to function effectivel­y and brilliantl­y succeed in any capacity he is called to play. He came into his present office on the wave-crest of his out- standing performanc­e in UI as VC. Prof. Adewole’s administra­tion in UI had significan­t impact on the taste and tone of the institutio­n’s social and cultural landscape. Any day, any time, he stands out on his own perch as he is perceptual­ly acute.

Interestin­gly, one of his strong points is his ability to quickly network and share with people of like minds. Prof. Adewole, in other words, could be described as a creative cultivator of acquaintan­ceship and companions­hip. His network of his friends, associates and admirers cut across the strata of Nigerian society and beyond. For instance, one of his friends, retired Prof. Dieter Wenzel from far away Wroclaw, Poland challenged me to ensure that this tribute is done for the health minister, saying, “Isaac is a transcende­ntal icon who deserves to be celebrated. If a foreigner could be so passionate about our own IFA, why should we then find it difficult to applaud this rare breed?

Adewole strongly subscribes to the belief of an American author, a political activist, Helen Keller who posits that walking with a friend in the dark is far better than walking alone in the light. Indeed, the minister himself has said the greatest healing therapy in life is friendship and love. It is therefore his pastime to find solace in the fortress of friends. Some have described him as a man of the people, approximat­ing a metaphoric­al puller of the moth to the lamp.

With all the swagger that is all his, Prof. Adewole conducts himself with class and confidence. His charisma, as well as his camaraderi­e is difficult to ignore! He enjoys taking the route less travelled to achieve his aim. He is fearless; he freely shares his confidence with people and keeps his fright to himself. He does his due diligence on any matter. Prof. Adewole will neither call a meeting, nor attend any, without first of all, reading through all the relevant documents and available literature. He hardly sleeps. At different occasions, I have sent messages to him in the dead of the night when you probably think he would be sleeping; to your surprise, he would just reply, leaving you wondering if he ever sleeps.

Above all, Prof, Adewole is a man of prayer, highly spiritual. He dissects issues spirituall­y, just as he constantly admonishes you to go and pray on any nagging matter. There was a time I went to his office and complained against persecutio­n from certain quarters. His response was as shocking as it was consolator­y. “Go and relax”, he said to my amazement. His words “you are saying they hate you, what about Jesus Christ, did they not hate Him? What about me, did they not persecute me before I became VC? Did they not write petition against me? How can you be writing such articles and be getting popular and you think they will love you?” Case closed, so I went back to my office.

Strikingly, Prof. Adewole does not reward beneficenc­e with ingratitud­e. He recognises every good deed and appropriat­ely rewards such. He will call you and thank you profusely and normally conclude his conversati­on with “cheers”. At public functions, his audiences are never, and will never be bored with his delivery. He usually garnishes issues at stake with humour and rib-cracking jokes. He always has a way of keeping the ball on the bounce!

However, since there is no error-proof man in life, Prof. Adewole certainly has his own foibles. Part of his idiosyncra­sies to the best of my knowledge, may not probably be intentiona­l, but could definitely be hurting. He often finds it difficult to fulfil some of the promises he makes. Perhaps as a result of pressure. This could probably be forgiven as every man has his limitation­s. But, beyond this, Prof. Adewole is highly gregarious. He is awesome. His present exploits and feats are to the pride of his mentees and devotees among whom I am happy to be numbered.

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