French Election: Macron Takes Action over Offshore Claims


The French presidenti­al race frontrunne­r, Emmanuel Macron, has filed a lawsuit over online rumours that he has a secret bank account in the Caribbean.

The news came after the centrist, pro-EU candidate was regarded as having come out on top in the final TV debate ahead of Sunday’s run-off vote.

His far-right adversary, Marine Le Pen, referred to the claims in the debate.

Mr Macron’s lawsuit targets right-wing websites.

“We will not hesitate to prosecute for defamation anyone who repeats this false informatio­n,” an aide to Mr Macron told AFP news agency.

During Wednesday night’s televised debate, Ms Le Pen referred to the online claims.

“I hope that we will not find out that you have an offshore account in the Bahamas,” she said to Mr Macron, the centrist, pro-EU candidate. He replied: “That is slander.” Judicial sources quoted by AFP said prosecutor­s in Paris had opened an investigat­ion following a complaint from Mr Macron.

Speaking on French radio on Thursday, Mr Macron said the “fake news and lies” were from “sites, some of which were linked to Russian interests”.

His supporters say some of the sites have supported US President Donald Trump.

Mr Macron and Ms Le Pen traded insults for more than two hours, arguing over terrorism, the economy and Europe.

Ms Le Pen lambasted him on his record as economy minister in the Socialist government - a post he quit to form his En Marche! movement.

The National Front candidate accused him of being “the candidate of savage globalisat­ion” and said his version of France “is a trading room, where it will be everyone fighting for themselves”.

In turn, Mr Macron said Ms Le Pen had openly lied, proposed nothing and exaggerate­d the concerns of the public.

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