OLEKA CHIZOBA WILLIAMS I’m Determined to Get to the Top

Oleka Chizoba Williams is unarguably one of Nigeria’s famous male singers in the francophon­e countries like Benin Republic and Ivory Coast. The “Infinity Condom Man” as he is popularly called, has carved a niche in the music industry for himself, with 18

- Has being an independen­t artiste helped your

You have been in and out of the music scene for years. What is happening?

As an upcoming artiste, it is not easy for one to become popular in the music industry. For one to excel hard work is required because the Nigerian music scene has come of age. It has got massive appeal not just in Nigeria alone but also in Africa and the internatio­nal community. One needs to be committed, courageous and be close to God – because you are dealing with different listeners and different calibre of people. Some of them will mock you at the early stage. Some will encourage you to face the early challenges squarely, while some will mock you as a musician. Many people believe doing music is for lazy people. Others look at musicians as those without vision, as a result they will not like to associate with you. I believe with God all things are possible. I am optimistic that I will excel. Yes, I will make it. I have started with my hit-track and I am not looking back.

You are happy about your recently completed album. Can you share the challenges you passed through in making your dream come through?

Actually, it is a big task for me because I started my musical career outside the shores of Nigeria. I have been in Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, and Benin Republic. The major challenge I experience­d in these countries – especially, Francophon­e countries – was language. My songs are in English but they want me to sing in French, English and my local language just to satisfy the needs of my listeners. It gave me a tough time to write songs in different languages. I did everything at my reach to ensure that I was able to achieve that without violating regulatory rules of the industry. I try to be creative and unique in whatever I am doing to ensure that I do not copy anybody’s song. As we all know, coming out with a big idea is not easy. I have to brainstorm, staying in a quiet environmen­t to ensure that the idea can flow for me to write good songs.

Another problem was despite the massive acceptance by listeners, breaking into the industry was not easy. Sometimes, it can be frustratin­g. Considerin­g the fact that, one is an upcoming artiste, from a poor background. Getting airplay and opportunit­ies for gigs were tough. To be honest with you, most listeners find it difficult to be patient with upcoming artistes though they easily fall over establishe­d acts. They just want you to hit the bar at once – that’s not easy. But we will get there in no time.

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Chizoba Williams

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