Ikpeazu is Working Very Hard to Make Housing Deficit History


Osita Igbe is the Commission­er for Housing, Abia State. Prior to his appointmen­t, he served as the Director, Media and Publicity, Okezuo Abia Campaign Organisati­on, the primary organisati­on that campaigned and worked for the victory of Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu as governor of Abia State in 2015. He was also the former Majority Leader, Abia State House of Assembly from 1999-2003. In this interview with select journalist, Igbe talks about the challenges of housing in Abia State and steps being taken by the Okezie administra­tion to tackle housing deficit. Olaoluwaki­tan Babatunde was there How far have you been able to tackle the problems occasioned by housing deficit in Abia State since your appointmen­t?

Let me say in concrete terms that successive government­s really paid their dues in the area of Housing. When I came on board, there were two or three issues that were glaring. The housing estates already developed were not fully occupied. It therefore became imperative that we ensured that the estates were occupied. It was in the process we also discovered that the housing estates except the Amaokwe Housing Estate, Umuahia lacked basic amenities such as roads and portable water. What we did was to make the estates habitable by providing the necessary and basic amenities. We are presently discussing with a private investor to ensure steady supply of water at the Isieke Housing Estate that has the problem of water.

Also from our findings on why our estates are not fully occupied is the fact that most of those targeted to own/occupy these houses would rather save and build in their villages and towns. This agrees with the philosophy of the Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu that functional housing estates must put into considerat­ion the cultural practices of our people. To address this issue, we are currently working with the elected Chairman of the seventeen local government areas under a PPP arrangemen­t to build at least 60 housing units in each of the local government­s of the state.

My Ministry of Housing does not have budgetary provision for road constructi­on and public utilities. That basically informs the reason we are collaborat­ing with relevant ministries and agencies of government to provide the necessary facilities in these estates. We are also discussing with an investor to build 3,000 units of housing at Obeaku in Ukwa West. The novel thing about this project is that Obeaku is close to Port Harcourt and that alone makes the project a viable venture. The Unity Garden Estate, Aba, which was started some years ago, will soon be actualized. Remember, the Unity Housing Estate, was conceived in 2004 to provide mass housing in Aba and its environs. The state government has commenced discussion with Union Homes and Federal Mortgage Bank with regards to completing that project. In a very short period, the challenges and bottleneck­s that have delayed the project will be resolved to ensure that the Unity Housing Estate becomes a reality.

Apart from the campaigns of Made-inAba products aimed at promoting trade and commerce in the state, which other areas would you say the governor has done well?

The governor has done exceedingl­y well in the area of education. The Political Will he has demonstrat­ed in clearing the huge mess in Abia Polytechni­c is highly commendabl­e. He has raised the standard of education to prove his passion for education. He just recently approved a rebate and reduction of school fees payable by Abia students in the state tertiary institutio­ns. He has also ordered the timely release of subvention­s to the tertiary institutio­ns to ensure a smooth running of the schools. He has also introduced functional and vocation education in the state. A classic example is the Education for Employment, known as E4E, which is under the ministry of Education. The governor knowing that the era of white collar jobs is gone is giving a direction where people will acquire the necessary skills and vocation for self-employment and self-reliance.

Also, the governor has done well in the area of agricultur­e. That sector has received enormous boost under the present administra­tion. The Ohambele Palm Plantation, Ukwa East, that has defied every solution in the past with regard to the lingering legal tussle, has been unlocked and revived for productivi­ty. The teneran palm specie that yields within 3 and 4 years, have been planted massively in the state by the ministry of Agricultur­e to make Abia the highest palm oil producing state in Nigeria. In the area of housing, the governor has given us enormous support. The constructi­on of the one-stop-shop, the first of its kind in Nigeria, wouldn’t have been realized without the full support of the governor. That building was commission­ed recently by the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osibanjo, to advance the ease of doing business in Abia.

Also, the governor has turned Aba into one huge constructi­on site to elevate the city into an internatio­nal commercial hub of the South East and South South. Particular­ly, the massive constructi­on within the Ariaria area will make Ariaria an internatio­nal market by all standards. That gives credence to the fact that only a man that knows the history of Aba can embark on such infrastruc­tural revival that is ongoing in Enyimba city. For the first time since after the late Sam Mbakwe, we have a reputable company like Setraco reconstruc­ting and fixing major roads in Aba. The massive road constructi­on as witnessed in the three senatorial zones also demonstrat­es the governor’s commitment and desire to raise the infrastruc­tural status of the state.

Despite all you have catalogued as achievemen­ts of the Ikpeazu- administra­tion, the image of his government is still unpalatabl­e following reports of non-payment of workers’ salaries. Are you not worried?

You must see the bigger picture and not rely solely on negative reports. The present administra­tion inherited major backlog of salaries. But the good news with regard to that situation is that the backlog has been cleared. As we speak, I am aware that Abia workers have received March salaries. So, the governor deserves commendati­on in terms of prompt payment of salaries.

But the story is not same with local government staff and teachers?

The recent verificati­on exercise carried out by the ministry of Local Government and Chieftainc­y Affairs, whose report was made available to the State Executive Council, has uncovered a huge rot in the local government system. There are so many issues with its employment­s and wage bill. There are several abuses such as employment of people that have no business in the local councils. Do you know that allocation­s to the 17 LGAs can’t even take care of the councils’ bloated wage bills? Many people are in the payroll for many reasons other than legitimate work. These include the so-called ‘ghost workers’; human beings, not ‘ghosts’, that receive salaries without employment; there are also the unqualifie­d persons employed through the back door. How can a local government have 200 gardeners and yet the council headquarte­rs are overgrown by weeds? The problem of salaries at the local government­s is multi-faceted and government is ever determined to solve the problems once and for all. Again, the workers at that level and their union, NULGE, must be honest to themselves. They should be diligent with their official duties and refrain from corrupt practices through which they shortchang­e and defraud the government. But, the good thing remains that the governor is seriously putting everything in place to ensure that all categories of workers including the teachers receive their salaries promptly.

Your party, the PDP, is enmeshed in a bitter crisis that has divided the hitherto ruling party into two factions. As a stakeholde­r, are you not bothered that the much touted biggest party in Africa is on the verge of extinction?

The PDP in Abia State is a one united party. The faction as witnessed in the center did not and will not affect us here in Abia. That obviously speaks volume on the leadership of the party and the political leadership of Ikpeazu, who has assumed the leadership of the party in Abia State. Having said that, let me posit that the problems of PDP cannot be resolved in court. The problems will be amicably resolved when the genuine and authentic PDP members come together at a Roundtable. The real members of the PDP will not allow the party to die.

But the latest move by the former president, Goodluck Jonathan, to reconcile the two factions collapsed even as the meeting was ongoing. In fact, the Supreme Court is expected to decide the fate of Ali Modu Sherriff and Ahmed Markafi, the leaders of the factions. Would Gov. Ikpeazu and his group, who presently belong to the Markafi faction, consider leaving PDP if Sherriff wins at last?

First and foremost, what is a political party? Is the building itself the Church or the human beings that worship in the Church? What is the percentage of PDP members in Sherriff’s camp? I don’t see Sheriff winning, but if eventually he wins, we will take a decision as a group. I belong to a political family that understand­s the dynamics of politics. Surely, a decision will be taken putting certain factors into considerat­ion to forge ahead if the judgment goes the way of Sherriff. But, If the Markafi faction wins, will Sherriff and cohorts still be in PDP?

Many big politician­s are leaving the PDP to the opposition APC Abia State. Don’t you think that such political regrouping may cost Ikpeazu a second term opportunit­y in 2019?

Who decides the second term of a governor? Is it not the people and God? Those elected into positions of authority are there courtesy of the people and God Almighty that made it possible. The issue of second term for Dr. Ikpeazu, for now, does not arise. The governor, himself, has not convened a meeting since he assumed office to discuss second term. His work and achievemen­ts will speak for him. Has he done well within the existent circumstan­ces he found himself? Yes, the governor has done very very well. On the issue of those decamping to APC, let me say that those politician­s are doing so for personal and selfish reasons. Because of the fact that PDP lost at the center, they are joining the ruling party just for what they can fetch into their pockets. They left the PDP for purposes of satisfying their stomach infrastruc­ture. Again, you know our people especially those that are already exposed to the center, are not good in opposition politics. Let me also add that Ikpeazu is more committed to making Abia a great state by providing the basic infrastruc­ture, creation of wealth through the promotion of made-in-Aba products, revolution­izing education and agricultur­e, providing affordable and quality health services, providing houses and ultimately making life better for Abians through good and purposeful governance. Those are the issues that preoccupy the governor’s thinking and actions and not that of second term in office. At the appropriat­e time, the people of Abia state, not the few self-seeking politician­s, will discuss and decide the second term for Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu.

You must see the bigger picture and not rely solely on negative reports.The present administra­tion inherited major backlog of salaries. But the good news with regard to that situation is that the backlog has been cleared. As we speak, I am aware that Abia workers have received March salaries. So, the governor deserves commendati­on in terms of prompt payment of salaries

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Osita Igbe

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