Business Etiquette Makes the Difference – Part 1

- Marie-Therese Phido

become synonymous with business etiquette. of the little thing some would call manners a given. What now begins to count are your soft skills. How well do you work a room? What are your social skills? Do you have constant.

always be a requiremen­t and they make a big will always make the difference. Nobody wants to work or do business with a boorish the stress levels of having to deal with a can be very stressful.

but it’s worth it to make the extra effort to offer your hand.

note is always a nice touch.

can be tongue- bitingly difficult to force the discussion is heated. Don’t. It’s rude aggressive.

Watch your language - Verbal and written communicat­ions are often much less

Double check before you hit send - While do a quick read to make sure the meaning

Don’t walk into someone’s office to talk. If the discussion is going to take to call or e- mail and schedule a good time for both of you.

to resist engaging in a little “harmless” harmless. It is most certainly damaging

stand over someone’s shoulder and read their e- mails.

her. If you’re in the middle of something and say hello. Busyness is not an excuse

Leave them at the office door.

shows others that you value their time. Being late doesn’t mean that you’re busier inconsider­ate.

annoying. It also makes meetings last losing focus.

you meet. It’s a bit aggressive unless you’re

and make an effort to truly listen to what others are saying. We are so easily distracted in this climate of increasing­ly so we can move on to the next thing. Resist time to ask questions and show an interest

business etiquette. We will be touching on other issues in the next few weeks. Be

.– Marie-Therese Phido is Sales & Market Strategist and Business Coach

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