Restructur­ing for National Cohesion and Good Governance


Atiku Abubakar

Ihave spoken a few times over a long period of time about the need to restructur­e our federation in order to make it stronger. Our founding political leaders agreed on and erected a federal system of government. They believed, quite rightly in my view, that such a structure was the only guarantee of national cohesion in view of our diversity, varying resource endowments, varying levels of developmen­t, and the centrifuga­l forces threatenin­g our unity. Over the years that structure which we inherited has been changed towards greater centraliza­tion of power and concentrat­ion of resources at the centre at the expense of the federating units. This has had enormous consequenc­es, including a culture of fiscal dependency of the federating units on the centre, an over-extended federal government dominating virtually every aspect of our national life. Others are the cries of marginaliz­ation by virtually all segments of our country at different times, rising dins of demands for restructur­ing, fiscal federalism and even violent extremism. There have also been voices opposed to those demands and agitations.

Restructur­ing, to me, therefore, means effecting changes to our current federal structure to bring it closer to what our founding leaders erected in order to address the very issues and challenges that led them to opt for a less centralize­d system. It means devolution of more powers to the federating units with the accompanyi­ng resources, and it would involve greater control by the federating unitsof the resources in their areas. It would mean, by implicatio­n, the reduction of the powers and roles of the federal government so that it focuses only on those matters best handled by the centre such as defence, immigratio­n, customs and excise, foreign policy, aviation as well as setting and enforcing national standards on such matters as education, health and safety.

Good governance, in a democratic setting, would mean that the government effectivel­y and efficientl­y delivers on its constituti­onal duties and promises to the electorate in a fair and equitable manner. It also includes meeting other challenges that emerge in the society during the government’s tenure. And it includes government being accountabl­e to the people and recognizin­g and effectuati­ng the people’s right to know. Thus transparen­cy is at the core of good governance. Good governance is a requiremen­t for a country’s developmen­t which, to me, means improving the society’s productive capacity, improving the people’s welfare and enhancing their freedoms. As we know, government­s do not often voluntaril­y offer transparen­cy, which is why a viable opposition and a vibrant and independen­t news media are essential ingredient­s of good governance. Above all, perhaps, good governance requires a vigilant and demanding electorate.

In contempora­ry Nigeria, good governance would involve addressing the country’s economic stagnation and crisis, including transition­ing the economy to a post-oil/commoditie­s trajectory, ensuring security, fighting corruption and restructur­ing the polity, including the structure of the federation and government institutio­ns.

National cohesion refers to a sense of unity and oneness by citizens of a country to the extent that, despite their diversity, they see themselves as forming a nation. That sense of solidarity encourages them to invest economical­ly, socially, politicall­y and emotionall­y in the wellbeing of the nation-country. National cohesion does not mean the absence of disagreeme­nts but those disagreeme­nts play out and are resolved within the parameters laid out by the country’s laws and regulation­s and in a manner that preserves that sense of oneness.

The organizers of this event wanted me to answer the question of whether Restructur­ing is the Panacea for National Cohesion and Good Governance.

Well I do not believe that any one single thing is the panacea for national cohesion and good governance in Nigeria, but I have no doubt that effecting necessary changes to our existing federal structure will help to promote national cohesion and good governance. Some have argued that what our country needs is just good governance, not restructur­ing. That is misleading.In fact you may have good governance without necessaril­y having national cohesion, and vice versa. Yes people want good governance, but often they also want to feel part of the governance process. They like to have a sense of belonging. They do not just want to see good governance; they also want fair and equitable governance. And they want to be respected as bona fide members of the society. People like to see themselves represente­d in those doing the governing. Let’s not forget that some of the most efficient and effective government­s in history were also exclusiona­ry brutal dictatorsh­ips which maintained national cohesion until those regimes collapsed. Equally important is that while restructur­ing our federal system would help ensure good governance, the latter does not depend on restructur­ing alone. People and communitie­s at every level must continuall­y demand good governance from their elected officials.

About a week before the last Ramadan, a small business owner in Yola complained to me about how poor power supply was hurting her restaurant business. She wondered why the power situation remains very bad and pleaded with me to do something about it. I explained to her that our country’s generation and distributi­on capacities are not anywhere near enough and that even the little that is generated is sometimes sabotaged by attacks on the pipelines that supply gas to the power plants in the Niger Delta. “Why should we in Yola rely on power from the Niger Delta?, she wondered aloud. “Why can’t we have our own power plants in Yola or Adamawa State? Am I supposed to go the Niger Delta to complain?”, she fumed.

I am aware that the current government is working hard to improve the power situation in the country but this woman’s questions and statements capture the pitfalls of the excessive centraliza­tion that has been foisted on our country over the years. It must be reversed if we are to set ourselves on a path of sustainabl­e developmen­t, peaceful coexistenc­e, and national cohesion.

Ever since the creation of this country out of diverse peoples, cultures, histories and geographie­s, we have had our difference­s and conflicts, and early in our history we tried to resolve those difference­s through negotiatio­ns and compromise­s. Our resolution­s were never perfect but they didn’t have to be. Human relationsh­ips evolve; they change as they seek perfection. Our diversity encouraged our founding leaders to opt for a federal system of the government which they hoped would allow the federating regions the space to control their resources and to develop at their own paces according to their peculiar situations. At a point in our history those negotiatio­ns and compromise­s broke down and we had a military take-over of power and subsequent­ly fought a civil war.

Military rule and the civil war led to the steady erosion of our federal structure. The increasing centraliza­tion of power and concentrat­ion of resources at the federal level, in the context of rising oil revenues and neglect of other revenue sources, weakened and relatively impoverish­ed the states. As Vice President and Chairman of the National Privatizat­ion Council, I saw firsthand what an overly centralize­d federal government can do wrong. Having confiscate­d the bulk of national revenues, the federal government proceeded to insert itself in a dominant manner in virtually every aspect of our national life, including the economy where it became an investor in all manner of businesses rather than facilitati­ng the emergence of a vibrant and thriving private sector.

Although we have succeeded in privatizin­g many public enterprise­s, we still engage in what I call institutio­nal escapism and duplicatio­n/ multiplica­tion. Rather than fix existing challenges in existing ministries and department­s we create new ones to carry out the same functions as the existing ones. If the Federal Ministry of Works is not functionin­g well, we create FERMA. If the police is not doing well with respect to traffic management, we create Federal Road Safety Corps. Again we create a Civil Defence Corps in response to police shortcomin­gs in providing security rather than decentrali­zing the police among other reforms. The list goes on and on. We claim that state government­s would abuse state police, yet we hypocritic­ally accept their donations of equipment and funds to the police commands in their states, pretending we don’t know that those donations have relational consequenc­es.

As you deliberate, there are three things I suggest you pay serious attention to.

1. People have a Constituti­onal Right to Peacefully Agitate for Restructur­ing, so focus on Identifyin­g the Reasons for the Agitations

We are now in a democracy and democratic freedoms allow people to express themselves freely, including questionin­g the political and economic structures of the country and their place in it. We should try to understand the basis for the agitations and calls for a new compact rather than vilify the agitators. It is disingenuo­us to accuse everyone who calls for restructur­ing as trying to break up the county. History tells us that that kind of cheap blackmail will not work as long as the underlying reasons for the agitations persist. 2. It is Ok to have Different Positions on Restructur­ing Yes restructur­ing may mean different things to different people. Like all things with political and economic implicatio­ns, those calling for restructur­ing have varying positions, which is not a bad thing. But we won’t really find out how close our positions are to those of others until we sit down with them and start to talk and negotiate. The biggest challenge seems to be that we seem to be allowing moderate voices on this issue to be drowned out by the reckless utterances of a few rabble rousers on all sides who may be tools in the hands of those who do not wish this country well. These are some of the people who arrogate to themselves the toga of spokespers­ons of our diverse groups.

3. Restructur­ing will Contribute to National Cohesion and Good Governance.

I have no doubt that restructur­ing our federal system would contribute the following among other things:

a. Devolving more powers to the federating units and transferri­ng more resources to them will help to decongest the centre and enhance greater manageabil­ity, efficiency and accountabi­lity. There will be more clarity in the division of powers and responsibi­lities between the centre and the federating units, and there will be a reduction in the attention paid to the center. In my view, there should be no federal roads, therefore states will be responsibl­e for road constructi­on and maintenanc­e and people will know that. The same would go for schools and hospitals. State police (for states that so desire) will help improve security. States that do not want their own police forces will work out arrangemen­ts with the federal authoritie­s over cost-sharing for policing in their jurisdicti­ons.The key thing is that federating units will have greater resources, authority and capacity to tackle localized problems with national impact, including education, health care, roads and insecurity such as the herdsmen-farmers clashes, armed robbery, kidnapping, militancy and other forms of insecurity that may manifest themselves as cultism or other anti-social behaviors. That would be good governance. And the incentive for states in a region or zone to pool together to provide services will be stronger when we pull the federal government out of direct involvemen­t in these. And there’s nothing that says we must maintain a 36 state structure. We obviously can’t go back to the former regions because of minority rights concerns. So we should explore the option of using the geo-political zones as federating units. With devolved powers and resources they will be more viable than the existing states. And their current make-up is more suited to addressing minority concerns.

b. Restructur­ing will ensure greater accountabi­lity. People are more likely to hold their state and local government­s to account once those government­s are no longer able to convincing­ly blame the central government for their shortcomin­gs.

c. Restructur­ing will promote healthy competitio­n among our federating units, which will encourage them to diversify their revenue sources.

d. Restructur­ing will ensure greater fairness and a perception of same among our constituen­t parts.

e. Beyond these, there is also another huge economic imperative for us to restructur­e: oil, which underlined and underwrote our excessive centraliza­tion and fragmentat­ion into numerous unviable states, and which has been at the centre of much of our squabbles, seems to have reached its peak as source of revenues for our country. In fact, long-term, it seems to be on a downward trajectory. And even if its contributi­on to our revenues were to remain at current levels in the long term, it still spells trouble for our economy and the unsustaina­ble structure which it has supported for nearly 50 years. The states or zones of the country that are most dependent on oil revenues have a greater urgency to decouple themselves from that dependency now that there is still some oil revenue to assist them in the transition. That window may not remain open for a long time, which may then make the inevitable transition much more painful and chaotic.

-Being excerpts of speech by Atiku Abubakar, former Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at the 3rd Policy Monitoring Dialogue Series on National Unity, Integratio­n, and Devolution of Power/Restructur­ing,” organised by the Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Developmen­t, at Ladi Kwali Hall, Sheraton Hotels and Towers, Abuja.

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