An Open Letter to President Buhari

- –-- Kennedy Emetulu, Lagos

Welcome back! We are all relieved to see that you looked better than the last time you returned. Nigerians believe God is working in your life and for a purpose. Of course, many of us may interpret that purpose differentl­y, but I think we are all united in believing that whatever the purpose, it can only be good for you and our country.

I urge you to think deeply about yourself as a human being, your feelings for our nation, your love for the people and your belief in its great future. If you reflect on these deeply enough, I think you will reach the same conclusion­s I have reached about your leadership of the country and what you should do next.

You are a man who has set a worthy paradigm; no matter what some of us who oppose your government say, you have made history. Being the man who spearheade­d the removal of a sitting democratic government through a democratic election the first time in our history is a huge achievemen­t that can never be overemphas­ised because, if anything, it opened up the country to further positive developmen­ts in terms of governance. The fact that Nigerians are beginning to feel confident about the idea that a failed and failing government can be successful­ly removed via the ballot box without any shedding of blood means that democracy has taken another giant step in its growth and developmen­t in Nigeria. You helped open that door of possibilit­ies and so, thank you, Mr President.

But now is the hard part. The governance. Even the most ardent of your supporters, if they’re sincere, will tell you that your government’s achievemen­ts have been seriously underwhelm­ing. This is because your government has failed so far to deliver on the promise of your election and we are way over the halfway mark in your mandate period of four years. That is why what I want to suggest to you now is important. I am making this suggestion because I believe the failure of the government is directly linked to you as a person, not because you deliberate­ly want to fail, but because you are not physically and intellectu­ally in a position to deliver on the promise of your election. What do I mean?

You did warn us about your age and how we should not expect miracles. We accept that. But we expect more than you have given so far. Of course, if you had the right people in government, people who know how to support you and get the best out of you as a leader, people who aren’t just focused on politics at the expense of good public policy, things would have been different. Unfortunat­ely, those you have around you now are mostly the typical uninspirin­g politician­s and political appointees only interested in themselves and what is in it for them. They all rode on your coat tail to power, but they don’t have the foggiest idea what to do with that power for the benefit of the people.

The way I honestly see it, the problem is principall­y your failing health. If not for that, I have no doubt that you would have revamped your administra­tion and purposed it to deliver on your electoral promises. However, when a man has to contend with what you have had to contend with heath-wise in the past two years, every other thing, including governance, becomes secondary and necessaril­y so.

The Almighty has now given you another chance. I know you are hearing all the hoopla, celebratio­ns and the deafening lionisatio­n going on, all of which I believe is genuine and heartfelt because it’s a great thing God has done to return you to your people. But I don’t think God has given you this fresh chance to continue to be President of Nigeria with all the work that this entails. Yet, I know He’s giving you this chance to once again make history, to give our nation the breath of fresh air it deserves, to set another worthy paradigm. He’s giving you this opportunit­y to quietly step aside, so you can go take care of your health away from public glare and demands; He’s giving you this opportunit­y to spend the rest of your days appreciati­ng the good work you have engendered from the elevated sidelines. Yes, that is why He’s given you this new lease of life.

As you can see, the country is a young country. We have over 70 percent of our citizens at the age of 30 and below. The country is in a hurry and it needs the vigour and dynamism of youth in government to match its people’s ambition. It needs that to take us forward as quickly as we deserve. Of course, if you were younger and healthier, there would be no question that you would be taking us there, but you are not. Yet, even if you cannot take us there, you should set us on the way with this singular act of handing over to Professor Yemi Osinbajo, so he can have the free hand to take the nation forward and to do you and Nigerians proud.

Mr President, do not get into this stop-start-stop business of governance anymore because your health situation does not allow it. As it is, God forbid, you will not have any justificat­ion to go abroad for further medical treatment or spend time cocooned in Aso Rock because of your illness. Even your most ardent supporters, especially those who truly love you and desire your wellbeing, will tell you then to resign.

But my advice is that you shouldn’t wait for that to happen or for any of them to tell you. You just do it now. You have an able lieutenant in Yemi Osinbajo. Maybe there are matters of geopolitic­s in power and succession at play in your party or in your political circle, but whatever these are, Nigeria is bigger.

 ??  ?? Buhari

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