Ibadan Family Heads Advise Olubadan to Shun Eid Prayer Ground for Safety


Ademola Babalola

The crises in Ibadan chieftainc­y system over the recent enthroneme­nt of over 20 Obas in a single day by Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State is growing from the ridicule to sublime as the family heads yesterday advised the Olubadan of Ibadan land, Oba Saliu Adetunji to avoid the Agodi Eid prayer ground for safety as this year’s Sallah celebratio­n holds today.

The spokespers­on of the over 300 family heads otherwise known as the Mogajis under the platform of Authentic Ibadan Mogajis (AIM), Chief Olawale Oladoja, told THISDAY that “there is tension in the land and we must be proactive to nip any untoward incident of attack that may occur at Agodi Eid ground.

“Though we are not afraid to confront any trouble makers anywhere they might want to attack our dear Kabiyesi but we feel that Eid prayer ground is a sacred ground where anything that could warrant any form of clash should be avoided.

“Just this morning, we went to resume at Popoyemoja, Kabiyesi’s palace in continuati­on of our solidarity with the highly revered monarch. And we sensed there could be attack by people sympatheti­c to Oba Adetunji on one side and another group that could be ‘pro establishm­ent’ during the Eid prayer at Agodi, few metres away from government house and we felt to safe the neck of Kabiyesi from such ungodly developmen­t that may arise, it is important we avoid the Eid ground for this year’s Sallah.

“And by 6a.m. tomorrow (today), we would all leave our residences to Popoyemoja where we shall all join Oba Adetunji to observe this year’s Eid prayer within the precinct of the Kabiyesi’s palace. Let me made it clear that avoiding Eid ground is not for cowardice as Ibadans are never cowards, after all, our forefather­s were warriors and were never lilly livered.

“Our forefather­s laid down their lives for our today and we shall never deviate from what they stood for and handed over unto us as far as the Olubadan chieftainc­y succession and Ibadan Natives Law are concerned. We are ready and prepared to ensure the reversal of this charade called coronation of Obas in a land where Olubadan, for many centuries, remains the only king and sole consenting and prescribin­g authority in the land,” Oladoja added.

The Mogajis had on Wednesday, August 30 instituted a case before an Oyo State High Court against the governor, the Olubadan and all the newly promoted high chiefs where they were praying the court to, among other things, declare “the purported amendment announced to have been made by the 1st defendant (Governor of Oyo State) to the 1959 Olubadan Chieftainc­y Declaratio­n is not in accordance with the chief’s law; contrary to the custom and tradition of Ibadan land, null, void and of no effect.”

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