- –––Tony Ademiluyi, anthonyade­

The Minister of State for Petroleum, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu, last week, raised an alarm at his sidelining in the affairs of the state- owned Nigerian National Petroleum Corporatio­n by the Group Managing Director, Dr. Maikanti Baru. He went on to allege that the latter awarded a whopping $26 billion juicy contract without following due process. Kachikwu, the hitherto egghead groomed by Harvard University, has been rendered so ineffectiv­e that he has been allegedly denied access to President Muhammadu Buhari since his return from medical vacation in England. He also went on to say that many important appointmen­ts were made without consulting the board. He heard about them like every other Nigerian. The GMD hardly attends board meetings and he has entrenched a culture of fear in the parastatal that lays the golden egg.

So many issues arise from this Kachikwu scream. Baru is accountabl­e to Buhari, who doubles as petroleum minister, and the Chief of Staff, Abba Kyari, who is also a member of the NNPC board. Could he have awarded such a huge contract unilateral­ly? Is he the sole signatory to NNPC contracts?

Could it be possible that Buhari is in the know? Could Kachikwu be held in contempt as he comes from a less favoured tribe? Let’s look at the way and manner he was removed as the helmsman of the NNPC last year to pave way for the surreptiti­ous northern agenda. Is he just being tolerated for the sake of the now much discredite­d federal character?

Why is there a conspirato­rial silence from the Presidency on this matter since Baru is an appointee of the president? The administra­tion came to power on the wave of the change slogan, which promised to be a departure from the old order of corruption and impunity. Why hasn’t Baru been asked to publicly state his side of the story in a government that claims to have zero tolerance for corruption?

Why is there a sense of deja vu that Buhari is the petroleum minister now that $26 billion has been allegedly mismanaged?

The fight against corruption has become a gargantuan joke as no single successful prosecutio­n has been recorded so far. The Babachir Lawal and Ayodele Oke’s alleged corruption saga still remain puzzles with no prosecutio­ns or the cases even being conclusive yet. The wave of public opinion is fast swinging against the idea that Buhari is incorrupti­ble, with disillusio­nment fast setting in. Some of his critics even went as far as vehemently criticisin­g his time as Chairman of the defunct Petroleum Trust Fund and one wonders why his handling of the petroleum sector always tends to raise a lot of dust.

It is commendabl­e that the Senate has risen up to the occasion by inaugurati­ng a committee to probe the allegation­s raised by Kachikwu, headed by former Sokoto State Governor, Senator Aliyu Wamakko. While the act is cheering news, we hope that the recommenda­tions see the light of day, as many probe committees just make a lot of noise with no results at the end of the day.

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