- Ernie Onwumere –––– Onwumere is a cultural activist, book enthusiast and brand management consultant based in Lagos.

These are very trying times for our country, when many ethnic groups in Nigeria are campaignin­g for the restructur­ing of our country and some are pushing for an independen­t state of their own. Whichever part of the divide you belong, the fact remains that the Nigerian nation seems not to be meeting the demands of the various tribes that make up the nation since the 1914 amalgamati­on and subsequent independen­ce in 1960.The insecurity of Nigeria has not been this bad. The policies and lopsided appointmen­ts of the federal government have worsened the issue and provided the opportunit­y for the agitators to win easy converts both from their tribe and across the region. The converts include an assemblage of minorities and those genuinely denied a share of their constituti­onal entitlemen­ts. Regrettabl­y, the federal government appears to be fanning the embers of disunity rather than addressing the obvious injustice that is glaring in appointmen­ts and execution of projects. The frenzied approach with which the government has gone about the issue of response to the agitators, especially the IPOB, is a rare show of brute force. One would have expected a structured engagement with the deployment of diplomacy in navigating through the murky waters.

The government, as usual, would declare October 1 as a public holiday to celebrate our independen­ce as a nation. One would ask: are all the ethnic groups making up the nation truly free and the resources extracted from the regions shared following the federal character structure? I have observed that the excitement and the expectatio­ns associated with the celebratio­n have been relegated to the rear because of the resentment for government management of our resources and concentrat­ion of political appointmen­ts to a sector of the country without considerin­g the interest of coowners in the Nigerian Nation. Although high preparatio­ns are in highest gear all over the country ostensibly because an independen­ce anniversar­y in the life of a nation is very significan­t, the preparatio­ns are low keyed primarily due to the recession and apparent confrontat­ion from those being marginalis­ed.

Accordingl­y, in the midst of the ceremonies being organized at both public and private levels, there are very few attempts to do something more concrete about finding solutions to the myriad of national problems that have slowed down the progress of Nigeria. So far, there has been a more pronounced emphasis on deploying government media machinerie­s in propaganda than on reinventin­g the Nigerian nation whose gargantuan potential greatness has been mired in a cumulative mess all these years.

That is why it is a welcome and commendabl­e developmen­t that a patriotic and notable Nigerian has devoted his time, energy and resources to thinking about the problems of Nigeria and proposing possible solutions that can move us forward. This concerned Nigerian, an active leader in many economic ramificati­ons of our national life, has decided to donate an enduring useful contributi­on to societal reformatio­n. The result of this one man’s selfless effort is the book being reviewed here: NIGERIA: NEED FOR THE EVOLUTION OF A NEW NATION by Mazi Sam I. Ohuabunwa.

The book is a serious intellectu­al attempt at dissecting the diseased Nigerian condition and proposing viable ways of ameliorati­on so that a new nation can be birthed from the atrophy of yesteryear­s. Comprising ten (10) solid chapters written in a lucid and accessible style, the author takes us through the various troublesom­e aspects of our national life where ameliorati­ng attempts must start to evolve a new Nigeria. Thus Chapter One comes captioned as A Dream Aborted, tracing the beginning of the journey of an independen­t Nigeria from 1960 through the 70s, 80s to the 90s. As the author was already 10 years old at the time of Nigeria gaining independen­ce, he was quite aware of the bright beginning of a great promise. The new Nigeria was radiant and vibrant, rearing to launch into great nationhood. Nigerians were like Alice in Wonderland, as they carried themselves with pride and optimism towards a brighter future. Life was good and the living standard was quite high. Education was qualitativ­e and affordable, with opportunit­ies for scholarshi­p awards for brilliant students. Healthcare was excellent and cheap to get. Other social infrastruc­ture and conditions were decent as you would have a well-ordered society. The author experience­d all that good life in the newly independen­t Nigeria and captures the story vividly. But then, there was a twist in the Nigerian tale when political leaders started misbehavin­g and military coups began to intervene in our national life. The lofty dreams of the beautiful beginning and a promising future began to disappear in the ruins of successive military adventuris­m, multi-layered corruption and political fraud that seeped into every aspect of Nigerian life.

Having x-rayed where Nigeria was coming from and how it, unfortunat­ely, got to where it is today, Chapter Two of the book launches into the necessity of political reformatio­n as a way to begin the process of evolving a new nation that we all desire. Thus the author explores the various organic dynamics of our political construct: federal political structure, the six geo-political regions, devolution of power, derivation principle, political parties and internal democracy in political parties. It is interestin­g that the author declares his support for a radical political revolution, but one without bloodletti­ng. In Nigeria A today, scene however, from W aka a ... there is a growing public opinion that only a bloody revolution can give us a new Nigeria. Eminent Nigerian patriots like Professor Ben Nwabueze, a foremost constituti­onal lawyer, has proposed that only a violent revolution can save Nigeria from becoming a failed state. So, it seems pacifist ideologues like Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa still have a lot of radical opinions to contend with in realizing a new Nigeria.

In Chapter Three, the author underscore­s the quality of leadership and governance as a major underminin­g factor in our national underdevel­opment. For him, the choice of the right and competent political leadership should be based on merit, principles and integrity in order to foster a new nation on all fronts. There is no disputing that fact because while Nigeria is stupendous­ly endowed in many respects, leadership and governance have always been our spoiling negation. As there cannot be quality leadership and governance without proper political elections and meritoriou­s public appointmen­ts, Chapter Four examines the electoral process and proposes ways to re-introduce integrity into it all, so that the recurring problem of electoral fraud and controvers­ies can become a thing of the past. Chapter Five examines the major machinerie­s of governance – the Executive, Legislatur­e and Judiciary - and the vital roles they play in the making or marring of our nation. Of course, the author also recommends ways like the speedy dispensati­on of justice, applicatio­n of modern technology, promotion of investment milieu and fighting of corruption by which the three crucial vehicles of governance can be made more functional and cost-effective in making a positive impact on the lives of Nigerians. In Chapter Six, the economy comes into full focus. And the author extensivel­y applies his experienti­al knowledge from involvemen­t in significan­t national economic policy formulatio­ns like Vision 2020 to analyse what is wrong with the Nigerian economy. As a company chief executive himself and an entreprene­ur, he also identifies job creation, poverty alleviatio­n, electric power, transporta­tion and other critical infrastruc­ture as central to our national economic recovery. Meanwhile, in a highly endowed country of abundant human talents like ours, the author does not forget to devote a chapter in his book to the all-important factor of human capital. Thus, building competitiv­e human capital and restoring the dignity of man are social issues duly explored in Chapter Seven. This is a worthy considerat­ion because political leadership and governance would be ineffectiv­e without a quality citizenry to make the desired societal change happen. Today, security of life and property seems to be at the lowest ebb in Nigeria, as armed robbery, kidnapping, assassinat­ion, ritual murders, political banditry and the like are as rampant as the air we breathe. It is then in order as the author takes a serious look at policing and security in Nigeria and recommends effective measures which can help us create a safe haven for all Nigerians and foreign investors. This is the focus of Chapter Eight of NIGERIA: NEED FOR THE EVOLUTION OF A NEW NATION. Moving on, the interconne­ction between leadership and followersh­ip in a society like ours becomes the concern of the author in Chapter Nine. There are an observatio­n and recommenda­tion that the quality of leadership is necessaril­y influenced by the quality of followersh­ip. Thus the civic responsibi­lities of both individual and corporate citizens of Nigeria are harped upon to ensure harmony with the right leadership. The author rounds up his thought-provoking analyses and recommenda­tions in Chapter Ten of the book with a more personal story of his life, which has a lot to do with service to humanity, call to leadership, noble principles which he lives by and a God-driven value system. Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa has given us, in the book, a mirror that reflects our battered national essence and how we can reinvent our destiny. His analysis is right on the spot and his recommenda­tions are as idealistic and pragmatic as they come. The truth is that Nigeria is never short of ideas and solutions to evolve a new nation. The problem is lack of political will to change the current narratives. And of course, the multicultu­ral, multi-religious nature of our society has always been a decisive factor in how we can move forward without primordial sentiments rearing their ugly heads as drawbacks. Most of the recommenda­tions that the author puts forward in the book are being daily repeated in many different ways as policy papers and informed opinions in the public mass media, but are the targeted people listening? If they listen, do they act on all these recommende­d solutions? The rat-race to materialis­m and megalomani­ac occupation of power, morbid capitalism, moral cesspit, value poverty, unpreceden­ted political marginaliz­ation in governance and lack of decisive political will are among serious issues that will make peaceful change impossible in Nigeria. The reality is that a more radical revolution is what Nigeria may need to evolve a new state. All the same, NIGERIA: NEED FOR THE EVOLUTION OF A NEW NATION is a highly recommende­d and commendabl­e intellectu­al gift to Nigeria in a period when everybody is jostling to have their voice heard and the citizens are being hounded for speaking out against oppression. Seeing Nigeria with so much promise, so many natural and human endowments, and so little to show for its 57 years of independen­ce, reading and applying the insights contained in Ohuabunwa’s book prescribes a better way for leaders and citizens of Nigeria to approach the current power restructur­ing blowing across the country.

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