Danbatta to Deliver 23rd BUK Inaugural Lecture


The Executive Vice Chairman of the Nigerian Communicat­ions Commission (NCC), Prof Umar Garba Danbatta, has been scheduled to deliver the 23rd professori­al inaugural lecture of the Bayero University, Kano (BUK).

Danbatta had been billed to deliver the 23rd inaugural lecture of the university on August 18, 2017, which did not hold because of the Academic Staff Union of Universiti­es, ASUU’s decision to embark on an indefinite strike.

Consequent­ly, the Professor of telecommun­ications engineerin­g is now scheduled to deliver the lecture on 2nd November, 2017 at the old campus of the university in the ancient city of Kano.

The topic of the lecture is: Getting out of Woods: “Diversifyi­ng the Nigerian Economy through Telecommun­ications Sector”, and is expected to attract the university community and beyond.

In the same vein, the NCC boss has accepted the invitation of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, Kabuga Branch to also deliver the First Engineer I K Inuwa Annual Public Lecture on Saturday, November 4, 2017.

Earlier this year, the professor joined the league of eminent Nigerians who delivered the Convocatio­n Lecture of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where he spoke on “The Role of ICT Infrastruc­ture in Tertiary Education in Nigeria: NCC Interventi­ons”.

Likewise, Danbatta, who presented the October 2016 lecture of the Nigerian Academy of Engineerin­g, was also the first Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NCC to address the participan­ts’ Senior Executive Course (SEC) of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) in March 2016. He was declared the Chief Executive Officer CEO, of the year by Tell Magazine at a ceremony in Lagos among numerous other recognitio­ns he has received both locally and at the global stage. Since he assumed the mantle of leadership at NCC, the commission has continued to receive more global attention with various internatio­nal recognitio­ns coming its way.

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