VAIDS: FCT, Three States Set to Release Data on Hidden Assets, Income


Chika Amanze-Nwachuku

Three states- Lagos, Osun and Kaduna as well as the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) administra­tion have promised to provide all transactio­n data required to identify tax defaulters at the expiration of the first phase of the tax amnesty programme in March.

This was disclosed in a statement issued yesterday by the Voluntary Assets and Income Declaratio­n (VAIDS) office in the Federal Ministry of Finance.

The VAIDS office, according to the statement, expects states that provide all the required informatio­n to experience sharp rises in their respective Internally Generated Revenue (IGR), as analyses of the obtained data will lead to considerab­le recovery of otherwise lost revenues and yield reliable informatio­n on eligible taxpayers.

Recently, the VAIDS office disclosed that it has begun collection of data on the income and assets of high net-worth individual­s and companies in Nigeria. Useful data of all payments and receipts over N100millio­n, said the VAIDS office, have been obtained from the Nigerian Customs Service. Also, data on all beneficiar­ies of payments above N100millio­n have been obtained from the Assets Management Corporatio­n of Nigeria (AMCON), Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) and the Nigeria Export-Import Bank Over. Vital informatio­n has also been mined from the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) and land registries.

The VAIDS office also said it is equally looking to derive more data from treasury bills, Nigerian Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS), Integrated Payroll and Personnel Informatio­n System (IPPIS), Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and payment platforms such as Remitta.

“This is the first step in collecting intelligen­ce that will provide informatio­n on corporate entities and individual­s who may refuse to take advantage of VAIDS. The data being collected is on individual and corporate liquid as well as fixed assets and income over the last five years, both within and outside Nigeria. Data collected will be profiled against tax payments made by such individual­s and corporate entities,” said the VAIDS office.

VAIDS, an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Finance, provides a timelimite­d opportunit­y for taxpayers with liabilitie­s to regularise their tax status by truthfully declaring previously undisclose­d assets and income. Taxpayers who take advantage of the window will avoid penalties and interest on taxes owed, tax audits and prosecutio­n for tax offences.

The federal government expects, through the implementa­tion of VAIDS, to generate $1billion, raise the country’s tax-to-GDP ratio from a meagre 6 per cent, one of the lowest in the world, to 15 per cent by 2020 and provide improved tax education to boost voluntary tax compliance.

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