Pastor Azodoh @ 60


To the extent that the Bible makes it clear that many are called but only few are chosen, it stands to reason that a good number of those who answer to the title of Pastor in our country may just be on their own. But even at that, there are indeed many good Pastors around; though they are not necessaril­y the ones who dominate the media headlines.

Every pastor that is true to their calling, according to Scott Slayton, “walks through dark nights of the soul. The pain of betrayal, the sting of failure, and despair over people walking away from the faith is often more than the pastor is able to bear”. Yet, despite the sacrifices they make, I have also, at different times, seen the frustratio­ns, discourage­ments and unfair attacks that some of these people suffer, even in the midst of their own personal challenges. I have been blessed by the ministry of such rare men of God.

My Pastor, Evaristus Azodoh who is 60 today retired from the military as a colonel before establishi­ng his own hospital as one of Nigeria’s foremost consultant urologists. Even as a business owner with all the challenges that go with that in our country, Azodoh runs fulltime Pastoral ministry dedicated to the service of God and his congregati­on. Whether in times of sorrow or that of joy, he is always there, regardless of the social status of the members concerned. He is also the first person to arrive Church and the last to leave, always holding himself accountabl­e for the failings of members with the refrain: there are no bad soldiers, there are only bad officers.

While it amazes how Pastor Azodoh has been able to invest so much time, energy and personal resources in so many of us, it is also evident that the God he is serving has been rewarding his faithfulne­ss. With three wonderful daughters (two medical doctors and a lawyer) and a son who is now one of the Lagos big boys providing knowledge-based solutions to practical problems in the growing tech-ecosystem in Nigeria, Pastor Azodoh has a lot to thank God for. And this evening in Church, we will join him and his family in that thanksgivi­ng with a 90-minute session of praise and dance.

Happy birthday Pastor Azodoh!

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