EFCC Raises the Alarm over Plot to Frame Magu


Paul Obi i

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) yesterday raised the alarm over attempt to frame up its acting Chairman, Ibrahim Magu, by linking him with some acquisitio­n of properties.

According to EFCC Head of Media and Publicity, Wilson Uwujaren, given the dicey nature of the evil plot, it has become expedient to raise “alarm over a plot by some shadowy interests at the receiving end of the anti corruption efforts of the agency, to frame its Chairman, Mr. Ibrahim Magu, by linking the ownership of properties in a number of foreign countries to him.

“Those behind the plot, which is believed to be part of a grand design to discredit the anti-graft Czar, have allegedly finalised plans to name Magu as the owner of choice properties in exotic locations abroad.

“To make the plot believable, the commission said it has informatio­n that the desperate cabal could take their gambit to the ridiculous extent of purchasing properties and registerin­g them in the name of Ibrahim Magu. They are also prepared to sponsor some political hirelings who would come out openly to claim they have informatio­n about the property acquisitio­ns.”

Uwujaren stated: “The objective of the plot is to cast a slur on the unblemishe­d integrity of Magu and expose him to public ridicule

“The commission, however, wishes to alert the public that Magu has no interest in any property whatsoever outside Nigeria. He has neither bought a house anywhere outside Nigeria, nor commission­ed any person or corporate body to acquire property in his name or any name remotely linked to him.

“The latest plot is coming many months after the commission similarly raised alarm over plots by some interests to pay humungous sums into Magu’s accounts with a view to releasing the informatio­n as evidence he had been compromise­d.

Magu responding on the attempt to rope him in the shady ownership, said: “These plots will fail. They cannot detract me because I am fully focused on my assignment, which is to fight corruption to a standstill in Nigeria.

“They can only irritate me but they can’t stop me because all men of goodwill in this country know the sacrifices that we are making to improve the fortunes of our nation. Those who assume that I have properties abroad, can go and claim them,” Magu added.

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