
During the transition from First Bank Group to FBN Holdings, how were you able to manage the shareholde­rs? As I said earlier on, it is this same shareholde­rs who are the shareholde­rs of First Bank of Nigeria Plc that are the same owners of that business, but because the directing minds said now we are going to go into a holding company where all the shareholde­rs are the owners of that holding company. Meanwhile this Holding Company is the owner of First Bank of Nigeria Limited, a private company; the Insurance, a private company; the Merchant Bank, a private company. So if you are the shareholde­r of FBN Holdings and FBN Holdings is a shareholde­r in all of these, indirectly you are the owner of all these businesses. So effectivel­y, when you are talking of transiting with the shareholde­rs I sort of transited from First Bank Nigeria Plc with them to form the FBN Holdings Plc with them.

When you joined First Bank from the ministry of justice did you feel the usual anxiety of someone joining an entirely different work environmen­t and ethics? Did you ever wonder whether you would cope with the job? It’s a natural thing and bearing in mind that I was in the public sector. I respect the public sector, I’m a product of it, and I have respect for it. There are aspects of public sector that when you say you are from the public sector people will look at you in a particular way. So I was conscious of that. And the job I was going into was headhunted, I didn’t apply for it, there was a vacancy and I was sought out to come and do this job. So I had that feeling that I would measure up. And for the person who did the headhuntin­g to insist that I must come, I also felt that there was something I could offer. One of my mentors, late Justice Mohammed Bello believed I could do it and he insisted that I should do it. I made consultati­ons and I was encouraged to go and do it.

In the course of your career you must have worked with many MDs and Chairmen of the bank. Can you describe your experience working with them? In First Bank and up till now I’ve worked with 10 different Managing Directors. And I’ve worked with six or seven Chairmen. Why I said six or seven is that our group chairman, Dr. Chijioke Ona was the chairman of the bank and I worked with him then. He was the sixth chairman of the bank I’ve worked with. When we moved to FBN Holdings, he wore a new cap – the chairman of FBN Holdings. So effectivel­y I will say I have worked with seven chairmen because this is a new company. So I’ve worked with 10 MDs, maybe up to 80 directors, you know members of the board come and go. So it’s been really an interestin­g thing. But the most critical thing is that I’ve learnt much more early in my career in this company secretaria­t that this work is about people – its people, people, people. And if you look at it, we’ve talked about shareholde­rs before, now we’re talking of directors, we’re talking of stakeholde­rs.

You’ve spent closed to 30 years here and also some time at the public prosecutio­ns. Would you say you’ve missed anything from the period you stayed at the public prosecutio­n, the life you had in public service and the life you have here. Would you say you’ve walked away with that career part that you were building, that one would have loved you to continue with at that trajectory? Honestly, no regret. You know I told you that what I wake up with is the passion for the job and the satisfacti­on. When I moved into this building there were people who believed in me and said I should come and do it and out of respect for them I accepted. So by the time I heard them here and there, I felt it was something I should come and do. But I’ve also said that if it was something that I’m not happy doing I would think for a while and thank them and leave. But you can just see now. It’s been quite rewarding.

What is the family front like for us? I have a wife and four children – four boys, and they’re not boys anymore, they’re big men now. The first one just got married last year. The eldest one is Ahmad, the second one is Isa, and incidental­ly, I joined the First Bank Group when Isa was born –October 3, and I came into the bank the same October. And then there is Basho and Umar Farouk. Umar is in the 3rd year in the university, others are graduates, so I call them men.

How has it been for the children looking at what your schedule in the bank would be like – coming here early, closing, and still go back to transition this discipline you talked about from your father to them. Did you think you had sufficient time to instill that kind of discipline and values to them considerin­g the fact that they were male?

Well, to be honest with you, I should have created more time for them but my consolatio­n is I have this wonderful wife who was everything to all of us. At times, I would come back from work, and I would find them in the garden playing football. She is a female, she had her own career, so when the children were playing football, she also was playing with them, then I would come and join them and things like that.

But the most critical thing is that just as I got from my late father, I kept on telling them that there are certain three things that they should hold. One, whatever you do you must do it well. You should not be found wanting whether in school or wherever you are working. And then, two, there must be integrity. Under no circumstan­ce should you be found wanting in integrity. And the third bit of it, of course, is the grace of Almighty God, the religious upbringing. So these critical things I learnt them from my father when I was small. And any day, anytime, anywhere I have opportunit­y I talk to people I tell them that these are the kind of things that I’ve seen carry me through – the grace of the Almighty, the faith in the Almighty God, and then, commitment, dedication in whatever you’re doing; and also integrity.

These are the bits I had been telling the children till they got to the big boys they are now and I’ll always suggest that to anybody.

Can you share with us some of the things you missed about this brand. Are there things you would have done differentl­y? I think part of the things I would say I’m going to miss is the family that First Bank is. But I’m still part of the family. I’ve seen people who have left the last fifteen years and they are still part of the family. You see I’ve spent more than two decades working in this building. So you can imagine working for 20 years. Every day you are going to work you pick your back and go to that place unless you have travels. So it’s something that’s just part of my life and I know there is time to move on. So over two decades in this place is something I’m going to miss but I’m really ready to move on. On what I would have done differentl­y, honestly I’m a bit rush. Maybe I should have done a little more listening but as I matured more and more I became more and more of a listener, and I think it’s something that comes with age. There are people who by nature are listeners but by my nature I’m just the talking type, the outgoing type. So I believe that as I became more mature I listened more and more. So I wish I listened much more.

Do you think your successor would be able to keep to the values that FBN Holdings is known for? Will he be able to measure up with the demands of his job as the company secretary? This is a very valid question. I can say that this is my life; It’s a 30 year career thing and you want to walk out of it. I’m really interested in who comes in here when I leave. I’m really interested in that when I leave whoever that comes in here keeps to certain things that have kept this institutio­n going in terms of our values and our culture. I’m really interested in seeing the person come to continue with this. Without being technical, if you look at the company it revolves around a tripod. There is the chairman of that company; there is the MD or CEO and then there is the company secretary. So if there were things that I’ve done to have worked with all these number of chairmen and MDs to get to where we are now, I’m interested in who comes in to take over and act on it and improve on it.

So we have gone through a very rigorous process to get my successor –involving external consultant­s, board committees and processes. So I’m very confident that the person coming to take over from me is not a novice, he’s a consummate practition­er which I believe has had his own experience­s. So I’m confident that he’s somebody that when he comes in he will continue with this. He has his experience­s and I’m sure he’s going to continue with the values that we have here. When I talk about the values, it’s about the institutio­n. So if you have values through an institutio­n anybody that comes in will carry on with them.

He’s coming from another place and these are the things that have kept us going and the chances are there. The rigorous process that we have is what has kept us going for almost 230 years. So I want to believe that that gentleman will come, bring his own experience, his own front and get into our own system with the values and carry on.

Finally, what do you need to tell the entire staff of the institutio­n including your successor about the ethics of the institutio­n that has kept you going all these period? And then, are you going to activate that plan you had before providence brought you here or you’re going to be seeing a different journey after this one? Honestly, I’m going to activate that plan with some amendments. Why will I say this? You see, I’ve been called to the Bar since 1980, so that’s why I said I was going to continue with my legal practice job.

So much water has gone under the bridge. I’m not the same person anymore. I’ve seen so much, I’ve learnt so much, and so much has shaped the kind of person I’m going to be. So certainly yes I’m going to go back into the private practice but not the kind of practice that I had in mind that time.

I want to believe that I’ve gathered a lot of experience­s in this particular aspect of profession­al legal practice – corporate social services. I intend doing a bit of talking; business schools; corporate governance and ethics; and also share my experience as part of the legal practice I’m going to do. Also the legal practice I’m going to do will be a specialise­d legal practice – company secretaria­l practice because I’ve done so much on that; and it’s something I think will keep me going and I’m interested in that.

And then the other question about the younger ones. You see, to me the critical thing about banking is trust. That’s the key word (trust). So what I will urge the younger people, is to keep the trust given to them. You’re talking of a bank; you’re talking of volume company; you’re talking of business. Whatever anybody entrusts to you is a trust, keep it. That’s my key word to young people working in the banking industry. Also hardwork, faithfulne­ss in the Almighty God; and create time for family life and other things.

 ??  ?? Borodo

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