Olive Multi-Specialist Hospitals Commence Operations, Pledge to Tackle MedicalTou­rism

- Obinna Chima

Olive Multi-Specialist Hospitals, an emerging institutio­n in Lekki, Lagos, has commenced operations with the aim of providing quality healthcare services and addressing medical tourism in the country.

The Consultant Physician, Olive Multi-Specialist Hospitals, Dr. Olu Lawani, while speaking in an interview with THISDAY, said the institutio­n was set up on the basis of giving healthcare priority, making sure that most of illnesses are detected early and with the right equipment.

He said the institutio­n has assembled some of the best healthcare personnel in the country.

“Olive Multi-Specialist Hospitals also looks at variety of specialiti­es and things that would happen to us that would take us outside the country.

“In the long-run, the focus is to improve the health sector quality-wise and to be able to deliver services that hitherto, we were looking for abroad and bring training as a common factor to improve the quality of the healthcare system.

“It cares for people with stroke, heart failures, diabetes and metabolic diseases, weight reduction and looking at health from all angles, including some of the rebuilding surgeries, changing of structures in the body such as the replacemen­t of limbs and looking holistical­ly at health with people who are involved in drug abuse.

“These are the various outlets that we are now looking at health from at Olive MultiSpeci­alist Hospitals,” Lawani explained.

He argued that the issue of medical tourism was not also worrisome, but embarrassi­ng to the nation, saying that revenues that ought to have contribute­d to Nigeria’s economic growth are often spent outside.

“We need these funds to grow our economy. Many times, it is because people feel that what they are getting there is better than what they are getting here.

“But at Olive Multi-Specialist Hospitals, we would reverse the trend.Part of what we are set out to do is to see how we can stem out the tide of medical tourism.

“In five years, we are going to change the surface of health, by making sure that gadgets and manpower that can improve our healthcare are available

He, however, bemoaned the poor budgetary allocation to the health sector.

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