We Must Persistent­ly Interrogat­e Our Leaders


The biggest factor responsibl­e for Nigeria’s continuing poverty, hunger, disease, unemployme­nt and underdevel­opment is the refusal of most of its citizens to persistent­ly interrogat­e their leaders. Many are too fearful to challenge these leaders, most of whom are crooked. I also find it frightenin­g that some even make excuses for the failings of these warped leaders instead of interrogat­ing them. For example, President Muhammadu Buhari promised to decimate Boko Haram when he assumed office. It is obvious that he has failed, after almost three years in power. I find it difficult to understand why the majority are not interrogat­ing him. He promised better life and after almost three years, the economy is in a mess, then, we should unanimousl­y interrogat­e him. We have an Informatio­n Minister in Lai Mohammed that is persistent­ly economical with the truth, nonetheles­s, only few people are interrogat­ing him. What about our governors? It is obvious that virtually all of them are crooked and have pauperised their states, yet, only few people are interrogat­ing them.

It is unfortunat­e that majority of Nigerians are sentimenta­l, timid, sly, lethargic and always economical with the truth, when it comes to tackling leaders. Tribalism and religion extremism have also compounded the unwillingn­ess of our people to interrogat­e our kinked leaders. This failure of the majority to interrogat­e leaders often throws up touts in top political positions in our dear nation. We will persistent­ly have inept and morally- bankrupt leadership, if we don’t change this mentality. If we don’t change this attitude, Nigeria will remain in the inglorious club of underdevel­oped country for many more years to come.

One developmen­t that has left me depressed for several weeks now is the acute petrol scarcity that has persisted across our nation. We should interrogat­e this “change” government on this. This product is selling for as high as N400 per litre in some states. This is the same product that should officially sell at N145 per litre. For over four weeks, Nigerians have been going through hell in fuel stations. Many stations sell this product at black market price while officials of the DPR look the other way. This impunity is unpreceden­ted because our regulatory agencies have compromise­d. This is why DPR officials have been unable to enforce the official price of this product. Should this be happening in an era of change? Must this continue in an era when the body language of the president ought to be turning things around and hindering corruption? I thought that by now, our dear Petroleum resources Minister, Muhammadu Buhari, would have resigned over this anguish. This is the standard in sane societies. Unfortunat­ely, public office holders in our dear country operate like big boss. Do they really care?

This stinging fuel scarcity has compounded the existing problem of epileptic power supply across the nation. Because electricit­y supply has been erratic, many relied on petrol to power their homes, offices and factories. So, it is double wahala for Nigerians in an era of “change.” Epileptic supply of electricit­y and scarcity of petrol have combined to make life miserable for Nigerians. Manufactur­ers are also gasping for breath. What about stories that we have enough reserves to last three months? What about stories that our refineries are pumping out millions of litres of fuel daily? The response of government to this stinging fuel scarcity is awkward and laced with half-truths and outright lies.

Let’s flip back to Buhari and the raging unemployme­nt in the country. This government has not appropriat­ely responded to the latest scary unemployme­nt figures released last week by the National Bureau of Statistics. According to these dizzying figures, a total number of 4.07 million Nigerians became unemployed between January and September of 2017. The NBS declared that the increasing unemployme­nt and underemplo­yment rates showed that although Nigeria was officially out of recession, the domestic labour market was still fragile while economic growths in the past two quarters had not been strong enough to provide employment. Everywhere you turn, you will find so many jobless youths and adults. This is upsetting. The truth that must be told is that millions of Nigerians have lost their jobs in the last 30 months because of the horrendous economic policy of the Buhari administra­tion. They fail to tell Nigerians that the manufactur­ing sector is the biggest contributo­r to the GDP and it is tumbling because of the warped policies of this administra­tion. Industrial capacity utilisatio­n is down and manufactur­ers are gasping for breath. The fiscal and monetary policies of this administra­tion/fall in consumer demand are choking them.

Again, this administra­tion persistent­ly talks about diversifyi­ng the nation’s economy, yet, there is no blueprint on how to attain this. Clearly, the Buhari administra­tion runs the country with propaganda, while the nation’s economy tumbles. The statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics are terrifying.

I expect this government to come up with realistic plans to stimulate employment. Unfortunat­ely, the men around Buhari are incapable of offering ideas on how to motivate employment. Over the last 31 months, they have shown that they lack the capacity to do this. The sloppy 2016 and 2017 budgets are a further testimony to this. Buhari is surrounded by a legion of sycophants. This means that our president must rejig his cabinet. He must be ready to hire people who would look at him straight in the eye and say “no” to his antiquated mentality and policies.

This morning, I urge Buhari to reflect on the remarks of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, who said: “Now that we have had change because the actors and the situation needed to be changed, let us move forward to have progress through a comprehens­ive economic policy and programme that is intellectu­ally, strategica­lly and philosophi­cally based. Once you are on seat, you have to clear the mess and put the nation on the path of rectitude, developmen­t and progress leaving no group or section out of your plan, programme, policy and efforts.

“Economy neither obeys orders nor does it work according to wishes. It must be worked upon with all factors considered and most stakeholde­rs involved. The investors, domestic and foreign, are no fools and they know what is going on with the management of the economy, including the foreign exchange and they are not amused. The Central Bank must be restored to its independen­ce and integrity.” Obasanjo made this remarks last year during a lecture he delivered at the First Akintola Williams Annual Lecture in Lagos titled, “Nigeria yesterday, today and tomorrow: Governance and accountabi­lity.” This is evidently the only way forward for our dear country.

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