Dufil Reaches Out to Orphanages During Christmas


In the spirit of the season, Dufil Prima Foods Plc, makers of Indomie Noodles, has extended love to selected Orphanage Homes across the country.

The firm which visited selected centres along with its Santa hosted them to an elaborate party and also blessed them with its products in large quantities.

Speaking at the event, Group Public Relations and Events Manager of the company, Mr. Temitope Ashiwaju reaffirmed the company’s love for children as well as the less privileged and renewed the company’s promise to be there for them at Christmas and always.

“The visit is what we do every year and I must say that it is wonderful to see that the children are smiling. This initiative also gives us the opportunit­y to spread some much-needed love and joy to these children and also identify their needs further. This visit is hugely important for Indomie and all that are involved,” Ashiwaju said.

Receiving the crew, the Principal, Pacelli School for the blind and partially sighted children, Surulere, Rev Sister Jane Onyeneri, expressed the management’s delight at the gesture as they considered the school appropriat­e for the surprise visit.

She said, “We are grateful for this gesture. Every December, we look forward to receiving gifts from Indomie as they always add glamour and colour to our annual end of the year party and for this, we are always grateful.’’

Also, the Founder Hearts of Gold Children Hospice, Mrs Laja Adedoyin, commended the brand on the initiative that brought more happiness to the children.

Some of the centres visited included Pacelli School for the blind and partially sighted children, Surulere, Wesley School for hearing impaired children and Heart of Gold Auspices also in Surulere. The team also visited Modupe Cole Memorial Child Care & Treatment Home, Akoka as well as Love Home Orphanage, all in Lagos.

The company revealed further its intention to visit other centres including Little Saints Orphanage, Pacific Hall Special School, Bales of Mercy Orphanage, SOS Children’s Village and Baliz Orphanage Foundation.

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