
It is an incontesta­ble fact that wives of elected public officials in Nigeria, including the President, Vice President, governors and council chairmen, are as powerful as their husbands.

While their husbands hold the reins of power, the words of their spouses are almost like the law, which must be obeyed to the letter. Besides, they enjoy a lot of respect and honour from members of the society.

However, experience has shown that the majority of them involuntar­ily lose their power and even honour as soon as their husbands leave the exalted offices.

Luckily, Hajia Biodun Yuguda, wife of former governor of Bauchi State, Malam Isa Yuguda, has remained relevant, many years after her husband left office. The stylish woman has continued to shine; and she is still very close to many incumbent governors’ wives.

It was gathered that many people still converge on her Bauchi home almost on a daily basis to seek her interventi­on in getting favours from those who still matter in the corridors of power across the country. “Such is the power she still commands,” a source revealed.

Also, her pet project, Challenge Your Disability Initiative (CYDI), which was launched immediatel­y her husband assumed power is still very much alive.

The former First Lady was born into the family of the late Mr. Zacheous Olatunde Molade and Mrs. Olufunmila­yo Josephine Molade, (Nee Shasaeniya­n).


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