Saraki, Obaseki, Bello Ask Nigerians to Emulate Virtues of Christ

- Our correspond­ents

Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki and the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Malam Muhammad Musa Bello, have called on Christians and Nigerians across the nation to work towards emulating the virtues of Jesus Christ as epitomized by his passion, persecutio­n, death and resurrecti­on during Easter.

Saraki in a message signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Yusuph Olaniyonu, in Abuja, also stated that all Nigerians must remain constant in their efforts to promote unity across all lines.

He noted that it was imperative for all Nigerians to come together in order to build a country that both present and future generation­s can take pride in just like the work of Christ which has endured for over 2000 years and has continued to inspire generation­s.

Saraki stated: “This weekend, we join our Christian brothers and sisters in Nigeria and across the world to celebrate the Easter festivitie­s. This commemorat­ion is a time for deep reflection as it marks the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his victory over death. It is a time to reach out to our brothers and sisters in need.

“It is also a time for all of us — regardless of faith, or ethnicity — to come together to pray for the peace of our nation. We must all remain constant in our efforts to promote unity — across all lines — because united, our nation remains stronger and we thrive as a people.

“As we do this, we must all collective­ly work towards playing our part in the developmen­t of our nation and its economy,” Saraki stated.

In the vain, Obaseki called on Christians to imbibe the virtue of selfless service in commemorat­ion of the crucifixio­n and death of Jesus Christ at Calvary.

He noted: “As Christian faithful celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary, I urge everyone to take this opportunit­y to reflect on the significan­ce of this day, the solemnity of selfless service and the passion for the downtrodde­n.

“As we go about our activities to mark this day, we should not forget to make sacrifices for the developmen­t of our nation. This is necessary to set Nigeria on the path of progress.”

Obaseki added: “Good Friday brings to the fore, the love of Christ for mankind, for which he gave his life. So also should we remember to be our brother’s keeper, upholding the spirit of togetherne­ss and sacrifice for the greater good of all.

“The spirit of sacrifice as exemplifie­d by Jesus Christ who offered himself for mankind on the cross of Calvary should be a lesson for all Christians. Genuine love for humanity can only be expressed when we take the teachings and examples of Christ to heart.”

Obaseki urged Christians to use the occasion of Good Friday to pray for peace and progress of the country, noting, “It is only when there is peacethat meaningful progress can be achieved. We must all work towards ensuring peace in our neighbourh­oods, state and country.”

On his part, Bello enjoined FCT residents, especially the Christian faithful, to use the occasion of the Easter celebratio­ns to rededicate themselves to the virtues of love and service to our fatherland.

He stated that the season offers the residents an opportunit­y to reflect on the life and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, as a pathway for peaceful coexistenc­e and service to humanity.

The FCT minister, made this call in his message to FCT residents on the occasion of the Easter season commencing with the Good Friday.

He underscore­d the ideals of national unity and oneness on which the FCT was founded and urged residents to strive to demonstrat­e these values in their interactio­n with one another.

Bello assured FCT residents that the Administra­tion has put in place measures to ensure the security of lives and property both during and after the Easter season.

He enjoined them to be alert to the happenings around them in order to thwart any efforts by miscreants to take advantage of the festive season to cause any breach of the peace the territory has been enjoying.

He further thanked the residents for their contributi­ons and support to the administra­tion as it works to implement projects that are designed to improve the living standards of the residents.

He disclosed that efforts are ongoing to improve facilities in the FCT educationa­l sector with the recent release of N600 million as counterpar­t funding to access over N1.2 billion Universal Basic Education grant.

He said that 12 generators have been procured and installed so far to ensure steady streetligh­ts during power outage, while the administra­tion is on course to improve the outlook of major highways by stemming illegal trading, dumping of refuse and vehicular recklessne­ss. Similarly, procuremen­t of the major coaches required for the full operation of the Abuja Light Rail is underway while the trial phase will soon commence with the three test coaches which are already on ground.

The minister praised the residents for their support and contributi­ons towards the realisatio­n of the Abuja project while calling on them to continue to shun the antics of those who beat the drums of disunity.

He prayed for a very spirituall­y refreshing and hitch-free Easter celebratio­ns while charging residents to stay safe, both now and after the Easter season.

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