SERAP Seeks Voluntary Return of ‘Illegal’ Running Costs, Allowances by N’Assembly


Davidson Iriekpen

The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountabi­lity Project (SERAP) has urged the Senate President, Dr Bukola Saraki, and Speaker of the House of Representa­tives, Yakubu Dogara, to persuade their members to voluntaril­y return running costs and other allowances so far collected.

It asked the leadership of the National Assembly to use any returned funds to establish a trust fund to improve investment in education and health.

The RMAFC yesterday declared as illegal the N13.5 million each senator reportedly collects monthly as running cost. Each member of the House of Representa­tives also reportedly collects N10 million monthly as running cost. According to the commission, the payment is not covered by the Certain Political, Public and Judicial Office Holders (Salaries and Allowances) (Amendments) Act 2008 governing emoluments of political office holders in the country.

Reacting, SERAP in a statement by its Deputy Director, Timothy Adewale, said: “Under the Nigerian Constituti­on 1999 (as amended), the National Assembly cannot use its appropriat­ion power for personal gain of lawmakers. The revelation that the National Assembly unilateral­ly increased their own allowances and running costs without any regard to due process of law constitute­s a flagrant abuse of government­al powers for personal gain.”

According to the organisati­on, “The National Assembly would never be able to check abuses of power by the executive or perform important oversight functions if the lawmakers are looking after themselves rather than standing up for the citizens.”

The statement read in part: “A trust fund can supply health aid, educationa­l support, economic empowermen­t, dignity and overall improved social welfare of the most vulnerable and disadvanta­ged sectors of the population. This proposed trust fund can serve as one of the strategies for addressing the escalating crisis in our educationa­l and health sectors, something which Bill Gates has discussed with the Nigerian authoritie­s.

“Legislativ­e powers are a means; the end is the liberty and prosperity of the citizens. The leadership of the National Assembly should therefore ensure that our lawmakers are more sensitive to the needs of Nigerians in the exercise of their legislativ­e powers and that the powers are used to improve opportunit­ies for the citizens, and access to quality education and adequate health for all Nigerians regardless of socio-economic status.

“To check against corruption, the leadership of the National Assembly should also urgently put in place a system of publishing an account of receipts and expenditur­es of members including on constituen­cy projects, running costs and other allowances. Nigerians who pay the lawmakers ought to know in what manner the funds for the operation of the National Assembly are expended.

“Saraki and Dogara should take immediate steps to ensure the recovery and voluntary return of the ‘dirty money’, if they are to ensure that the constituti­on’s integrity is not undermined by the evasion of political and legal accountabi­lity by the National Assembly. The trust funds would contribute to the efforts to improve investment in education and health for the greatest happiness of the greatest number.

“Without accountabi­lity of our lawmakers, the country’s democratic project cannot function according to its constituti­onal design. By limiting the potential for the abuse of government­al power, the Nigerian Constituti­on protects individual liberty and requires all branches of government including the National Assembly to strive to improve their welfare and economic and social developmen­t and opportunit­ies.”

“The framers of constituti­on deemed informatio­n essential the this if Nigerians are to exercise any control over their representa­tives and meet their growing responsibi­lities as citizens. Publicatio­n of statement of accounts of public expenditur­es would enhance the responsibi­lity of the National Assembly by informing the public about the purposes and authority for certain expenditur­es.”

It would be recalled that RMAFC said only the National Assembly Service Commission could explain how the senators came to be paid such an unapproved allowance. The commission’s clarificat­ion was contained in a statement by its spokesman, Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed.

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